Kenny – Terrier x Collie – HOMED

Kenny – Terrier x Collie – HOMED

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    Anne has to return to work on th 15th Jan. so Kenny will need foster from then. If you can help please contact Kathy on 086 3696413 ;)


    Liv has kindly offered to take Kenny from the 15th :D Thanks a million ;)


    Kenny is tucked up in a blanket on my sofa. He got very perky when he saw the pussy cat but she is wisely staying upstairs and hoping that I will give her more cold turkey. Kenny system is poorly and and everything that comes out of him is liquid but he has not vomited and he drank some water. I am now preparing his chicken and rice grub. He was very good in the car and I have good hopes for him.


    im so happy to hear he is tucked up safe and warm the poor little guy really needed you im sure he will repay you with lots of cuddles and kisses :)
    get well soon kenny !!!


    :) How nice to know that Kenny is now being cared for one to one, just what he needs. Hope you feel better soon Kenny, be good for your foster person.


    Aunty Anne to the rescue – many thanks.


    Hopefully Kenny is improving, he is alert, wagging his tail sometimes, taking fluids but unfortunatly not solids yet. He is very thin and has only eaten a few morsels of food. I am going through all the foods, thought I was on to a good thing with ham but unfortunately not. He is a very gentle soul, loves going out for a quick little walk up and down the street. He settles very quickly when I leave him. He is doing a lot of sleeping in a warm safe place so that has to be good for him. Come on Kenny!!!


    :( Poor Kenny, you will get better eventually but you probably still feel pretty awful. Now that little Elsie is back on her paws and more importantly back home I will send all my "get well very soon" vibes to you.


    Urgent foster needed for Kenny as he has taken a total dislike to his fosterers cat. If you can help please call Kathy on 086 3696413 ;) Anne would love to hold onto him but lives in an open plan house. This is really urgent. Please call if you can help ;) Kenny is almost back to full health and is in flying form :D :D :D



    How is Kenny getting on?


    Kenny is doing well now. When he first arrived he was still suffering with diarrhoea and had some blood too. The vet Paul came to see him giving him a shot and some medication on his first night with us. We were told not to feed him that night but the poor guy must have been starving cause he kept trying to open our bin and grab anything that he could :o The next morning he scoffed down his chicken and rice and was doing really well until that afternoon when the diarrhoea started all over again :( Because he is so skinny and he wasn’t drinking very much at all, the vet decided to take him home and keep him on a drip for a little while. Two days later he was back with us and in flying form ;) He is eating loads but still checks out the bin every so often :lol: We think he’s already put on some weight. You can still feel every bit of his spine but he’s definitely getting there.
    Kenny is brilliant with our dogs but a little nervous of people. He seems to hate the cage and unbelievably has bent all the bars by pushing his nose through all the gaps. He hasn’t settled well at night just yet and cries a bit but I think this is from his nerves and hopefully will settle when he feels a bit more secure in himself. His housetraining is coming on, but as he is not neutured he has tried to mark his territory a few times since arriving :o Will update with some photos soon.


    :o Colitis! Poor Kenny that hurts whether you are a dog or a person, having your colon inflammed and bleeding, at least you are on the mend Kenny. I hope you manage to stay on the right road now.


    Thanks for the update on Kenny. I miss the little gentle face around the house, the cat is delighted he is gone. I hope his health continues to improve. I am glad to hear he gets on well with your dogs, I thought he would be ok, any dog we met he was always so well behaved. I really hope Kenny has a great future ahead of him. He has such a lovely personality and deserves the very best, as they all do.


    im goin to take kenny into foster at some stage during the week. he looks like a really nice dog. lets hope he doesnt bend the bars in the crate :D

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