Kealey – Lab Pup

Kealey – Lab Pup

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Kealey – Lab Pup

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    Urgent Foster Needed


    Kealey is only a baby, looking at the photo I am guessing 10-12 weeks old. Urgently needs foster as she will be left alone for 21 hours over the weekend. If you can help please post here.


    I could foster her for the week end if that’s any Help?


    Unfortunatly we cannot gaurentee that we will have someone to take her after the weekend, as she will need foster for approx 2-3 weeks. Thanks a mill ofr your offer. ;)


    I could take her till tues morning, but then im off on hols, is that any better?


    Thanks a million Tina ;) This baby will then go into foster with Louisa :)


    Well we collected little Kealy from Tina this afternoon and she is a little dote, she is really tiny. We are just back from a walk in Castletown with the rest of the gang, so she has had her dinner and is snoring beside me at the moment! Ill update with some pictures tomorrow! :)


    Well little Kealey had a great first night she mixing well with the rest of the gang she wont be bossed about even with her small size she is tiny now but being a lab will get bigger! She went through the night with no accidents and scoffed up her breakfast this morning! She is a little delight she has a bouncy little run and flops down when she is tired. I have updated some pics.


    some more snaps of the adorable little Kealey

    sitting for a pose!

    with Roxy and Brandy

    with Brandy


    Just another little note on Kealey, she is excellent with kids and loves to play! She would make a great family dog! :)


    am very interested in kealy think she would suit our home as we have 3 children lab would be just what we were looking for and she s such a little cutie :D


    Hi Vernon,

    If you complete an adoption application form and send it back to DID you can start the process to adopt her. The form can be found on the forms section of the webpage




    hi i would love to foster kealey for as long as needed. i have to kids who would just love her. let me know asap. looking forward to hearing from you’s. :)


    Kealey is already in foster awaiting her forever home ;) If you would like to foster please go to forms and downloads and fill in an application to foster and someone will contact you ;)


    ok. ive have already filled out the foster form and emailed it back this morning.

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