Kara – 9 week old pup . collie x *HOMED*

Kara – 9 week old pup . collie x *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Kara – 9 week old pup . collie x *HOMED*

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    This is Kara I also got her today with her brother ,, :D She will be medium in size when fully grown and will be high energy so will require an active home. She is bigger than her brother and loves to play with Iggy. My daughter has taken a shine to her and the feeling is mutual :lol: .


    I brought this litle angel over today. Very good in the car :D


    Went to visit Kara and her brother today and have to say Kara is a stunning puppy :D

    She has such a beautiful brindle patch on her face and cute little spots on her body,very sweet girl. she loves a cuddle but would jump from any height if she thought it was food time!!!!

    Collie mix dogs are fantastic,once you give them the exercise they need and stimulate their very intelligent minds they pay you back 10 fold.


    adorable ! i just love the eye patch :)


    Kara is such a great pup has got the jest about going outside to do her business and if the door is closed then she goes over to the paper ,, :D . She is more out going than her brother but is a sweet little girl, . Loves playing rough with Iggy her best buddy, :lol: .
    Kara likes the blanket too !.JPG


    I couldn’t resist writing a comment
    what a breathtakingly beautiful girl she is ! awwww wow :P


    Kara is a lovely , friendly pup she loves playing and tumbling around with the rest off the dogs :D , if she gets a chance she is on your lap looking for rubs . She is very independent and does her own thing ;) , i think this is great as there isn’t much effort in minding her,, just fun fun fun.. goes into her crate for her snoozes away from the biggies .
    Kara looking pretty.JPG


    Kara you`re after getting bigger already :) and look at this smart face :)


    That puppy-dog is a photographers dream, she is so photogenic :shock: . Bet someone could win prizes with images of Kara :) . She will be a beautiful and stunning dog when she grows up. Wish I didn’t have to work full-time :( !!!


    She is beautiful and sounds just like her sister Kayla in the personality stakes! :D I can’t get over how little work these guys are for collie x puppies! :o


    :) How is the ‘pin up’ girl getting on, has she grown much? She is sooo very pretty. If I didn’t know it already I would say she was female, she looks like a girlie and indeed she is ;) . I was looking at a photography book recently and thought black and white would be easy to photograph – WRONG!!! Apparently it is quite difficult to get the white bits to stay white and the black bits to stay black with the detail clear on all of the ‘bits’. Just goes to show what I know – nothing at all:(


    Kara is doing really great :D , she got her jab and microchip done :( .. not a bother on her at all . Yes she does photo really well she is a natural in front off the camera :lol: :lol: . With the weather getting better ! she loves being outside sitting in the sun having fun with the gang..


    Well Kara met her forever family yesterday and they cant wait to bring her "home" so she will going to her new home tomorrow :( sooo happy for this little girl :D .


    Kara went off with her new family yesterday :( , wishing her all the best and i know she will be sooo happy, :P .


    Kara now is called Juno and her mum was in touch to say:

    Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. Juno (Kara) is doing great! We cant get over what a well behaved puppy she is. She is very much a part of our family already, even our cat is getting along with her now. I have attached some pics for you to see how much she has grown up


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