Juno – 8 mt old golden lab puppy *HOMED*

Juno – 8 mt old golden lab puppy *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Juno – 8 mt old golden lab puppy *HOMED*

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    Today is Juno’s 2 week anniversary! She is getting on really well & seems like she had been here for a whole lot longer than fourteen days! Her ribs are finally begining to disappear (helped I’m sure by the extra treats we’ve discovered that Eimear had been feeding her!) so we’ve now entered more normal Lab territory of making sure she doesn’t get fat!. She still gets upset by shouting (a good excuse to stop!) but is completely unfazed by kids running mad & amazingly has been known to sleep through Nerf gun battles – I think that means she feels secure here!

    We’ve all survived Juno’s first bath! She’s a lot easier to have around now that all the mud that she’s uncovered in the garden had been removed from her coat! She smells positively sweet these days! She’s also had all her final injections this week, so we plan to take her to the dog park tomorrow to work on her recall off-lead. Should be very exciting!


    Poor Juno maybe OK with Nerf guns, but she met her match with some robot lego this morning! Mind you , the afternoon was spent lounging on the sofa watching Return of the Jedi with half the local kid population, so live really is n’t all that bad!


    Juno is home one month today! She has really settled in & feels very much part of the family. Everyone loves her, but herslf & Eimear have formed a special bond, involving stealth treats & very early morning "training" sessions!

    She’s remarkably gentle with food & never tries to snatch anything. Mind you , when she gets any food she hovers it up & makes Toby look a bit food shy! Her main problem so far has been the risk of getting stood on while she "supervises" any cooking that’s being done

    She’s putting on weight nicely & has actually grown a fair bit since she’s arrived too! Lead training is going OK, but she still has a long way to go. I think dog school will be on the cards very soon now that she’s settled in.


    Thank you so much for the updates she looks absolutely great and I’m glad to hear she is getting on so well. I remember the standing under your feet during cooking, she nearly ended up with a pot of spaghetti on her head when she was with us!!!! :lol:


    Juno’s first birthday has come & gone. She’s still getting on great with everyone & Toby is loving having a new friend to play with.


    Happy belated birthday Juno!!! Delighted to hear you are loving life with your forever family!!


    Christmas has survived Juno!

    She’s doing really well & has really settled in. Herself & Eimear are still "the girls" & best buddies which is great to see.
    Juno 1.jpg


    Beautiful photos…thank you :D

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