Judy – 7mt old lab x puppy – HOMED

Judy – 7mt old lab x puppy – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Judy – 7mt old lab x puppy – HOMED

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    New Judy pic :-)




    Judy’s new friends:-)


    :D Spring photo


    Judy is gorgeous :D


    Judy with her friends:-)) She is doing really well :D


    What a lovely photo! Judy looks so wise and patient taking her turn behind the golden dogs. She looks so well in all of the photos. It looks like she has really blossomed with all of her new friends.


    Sadly we had to say goodbye to our judy today due to moving house. We know she’s in good hands though with her new fosterer Emily. We are going to miss her but I’m sure she’ll find her forever home soon. Whoever adopts her can only be happy to have a lovely dog like her.


    We brought Judy home yesterday afternoon and have already fallen in love. She’s very mature for her age, yet still has the playful and mischievous puppy qualities to her. I introduced her to the park before the house to get her used to familiar smells and other dogs in the neighborhood. She is a very strong dog and i don’t think she’s used to being on a lead, but after about 10 min. of walking she slowed down a bit and was barely pulling.

    She is extremely good at sitting, staying and coming when she’s called and i get the sense she’ll do anything for a treat! :D She accepts hugs like we’ve known her for years and is all love and affection. We’ve been playing a lot of fetch, as she’s the first foster doggie we’ve had who loves chasing after a ball.

    She slept through the night, yet when i woke up at 5:45, she bounded up the stairs and that was that. . no going back to bed for either of us! Today, she’s improved her pulling on the lead and has met several new doggie friends in the park. She is super friendly with people and seems to have developed a trust in us, which is always encouraging.

    She is absolutely gorgeous, and has these really shiny brown eyes that seem to communicate very effectively! Her coat is shiny black and she has the happiest and most powerful tail that is going most of the time.

    I’ll take some pictures in the next few days, and update on how she’s getting along, although the photos that were posted by Karolina pretty much say it all. :-) She will make some family so truly happy with all the love and excitement she has to give.


    Well this Judy has found her way to her new forever home with out the need for some red ruby slippers – she will be heading there early next week……

    A big thank you to William & Karolina and Emily who did great work with this bundle of love giving her back the confidence in humans that she needed.


    I’m delighted for Judy. :) I met her briefly when I brought her to William & Karolina’s doggy heaven and she was such a gorgeous girl. Have a wonderful, long & happy life Judy. :) :)


    Judy has accomplished so much in the past week, and i’m delighted that she has found her forever home. . . she’ll be leaving us tomorrow. She is the perfect family dog – affectionate, mischievous, obedient, gentle, and so eager to please. And we’ve discovered that she is one fine dog for playing fetch. It occupies hours of our time!

    She has learned how to tell us when she needs to go out, and has this endearing way of communicating with her eyes, her head cocked to one side. . patiently waiting for her ‘answer’.

    Judy continues to get along well with all the dogs in the park, but if she is in the middle of a game of fetch, she couldn’t really be bothered with socializing! One-track mind. The other day we took her to the strand, and true to her retriever blood, she started chasing the sand that was blowing in the wind. it was quite good entertainment for us!

    She’s learning not to pull on the lead. . she’s still very excited to get to where we’re going, but if she has a ball or stick in her mouth, i think she remembers to slow down a little bit.

    I haven’t been able to take too many good photos, as she’s often on the move, wiggling her backside as she’s showing off her tennis ball, or sniffing around for any hidden treats. She is an absolutely GORGEOUS dog and has many admirers here!

    Judy, we wish you a loving and happy home and thanks for bringing your puppy love to our home! We’ll miss you and think of you often!


    That is great news. We had Judy in foster for a brief spell and she was full of joy and absolutely gorgeous. its hard to believe that so many dogs like her end up in rescues. Best wishes girl!


    What a day!! Collected Judy this morning – she’s obviously enjoyed her carer’s attentions (she didn’t want to get into the car!). So far we’ve walked on the beach, strolled through the woods on the Wicklow Way (well, part of it!) and played fetch for what seems like hours – to my throwing arm, anyway).

    A I write, she’s curled up in her bed, with one eye open waiting for the slightest suggestion of further activity – I think I’m in for a late night circuit of the park before retiring!

    Thanks to all who have cared for her so far – photos will follow!


    Hi Alan and Judy!
    It’s so great to hear you’re bonding so well and doing quite a bit of exploring together. I’ve been thinking of you and Judy in her new home – she’s a very lucky dog and i think she’ll settle in so well.

    Please give her a big hug from us over here and yes – i’d dig out that tennis racket, as it sounds like she’ll keep you busy with fetch!

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