Josie – Lab x

Josie – Lab x

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Josie – Lab x

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    Name: Josie

    Reference Number: 1469

    Sex: Female

    Located: Ashton Pound


    Date Out: NOW

    **It has been confirmed by the vet yesterday evening that Josie is not pregnant. It could be a phantom or menopausal stage that she is going through.
    She has been in there a while now so really needs help.**


    Poor Josie, I hope she does not have to stay in the pound for long and gets out before her babies are born.


    It has been confirmed by the vet yesterday evening that Josie is not pregnant. It could be a phantom or menopausal stage that she is going through.
    She has been in there a while now so really needs help.


    I wonder if this is the dog I took out for a walk not last Sunday as the pound was closed but the one before that 7th Dec. She was lovely, looked like josie. I did search the board but could not find her. I put up a query titled Black older lab! Poor girl, she deserves a chance.


    Josie is only small! She is such a sweetie and just wants some love…. She has grown very fond of Richardas and follows him everywhere. She badly needs a place to call home :(


    She is a gorgeous girl! Walked her on friday and fantastic on the lead- a real lady!!! rolls over for belly rubs and loves a bit of affection- she is stunning- shiny coat and all- just a lovely lovely girl- and just to second- she is tiny! She is not even knee height- lovely lovely girlie!!! :D


    Another big baby – so loving – great with kids and other dogs :D


    Josie is a good dog on the lead. She will have a good run with you around the field if you are inclined. She shows her appreciation by lying down for the belly rub. A very lovable dog. I hope someone falls in love with her, she would be so loyal and faithful. A forever dog!


    Josie is kind of a golden oldie – about 4/5 years. Josie is the most affectionate dog I have met in a very long time. She is not very big – a little overweight but for all that she has the most wonderful temperament. Loves walks – walks very well on the lead – lies down for tummy rubs. She loves Richardas – and walks around at his heels all day.

    Older dogs have such a lot to give – they do settle into their new homes quite quickly – and Josie will be no exception if someone gives her the chance.

    Please don’t reject a dog because he/she is a little older – please give them a chance and they will repay you one hundredfold.


    Josie was out and about this morning, pottering around, she is a real people person but equally great with her doggie peers. She is a real cutie, not that big at all, below knee height. Really pretty face and beautiful shiney coat. I am the biggest advocate of homing an older dog. We rehomed a 5 year hold lab male and he worked out to be the most amazing dog ever. With an older dog you see what you get, they are calmer, have gotten over the digging, chewing phase. Have way more manners, are more laid back and chilled, appreciative of the chance you gave them.
    She really deserves a forever home, I think she would give big tenfold the affection and love any owner could give her




    This is the best news. Thank you!


    FANTASTIC!!!! :D


    Brilliant news :lol:


    My heart was captured by Joise, I’m so delighted she has a new home. I just love the oldies. I’ve rehomed two myself and its amazing to see the ‘Thank You’ in their eyes evertime they look at you! Go Josie GO!

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