Jill – 3yr old Collie X – ref 178 *HOMED*

Jill – 3yr old Collie X – ref 178 *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Jill – 3yr old Collie X – ref 178 *HOMED*

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    This lovely girl is gone into foster with Fiona, who will update soon ;)


    When I picked Jill up from the pound yesterday she was so scared. She was cowing down when we just looked at her and was trembling all over her body. She seemed to just keep excusing herself for being alive. It was a horrible experience to see such a beautiful smart collie so insecure and with absolutely no confidence. :cry: :cry:
    It wasn’t a nice experience to touch Jill either as she was so dirty, smelly, her coat was matted all over her body and her tail and rear end were covered in big heavy dreadlocks . We also discovered that underneath all this appalling coat she was very underweight and had fleas. :x
    After a bath which also went very well the hard work began in trying to sort her coat out. It took hours and unfortunately a lot of hair had to be removed from her rear end and tail but it will grow back. She loved every minute of the attention and its plain to see that she is really thankful that her skin can breath again.
    What a difference a day makes! Yesterday she was afraid of everything in the house environment including the television. She kept going outside to look for a place to sleep. It was heartbreaking to watch her, at times I had tears in my eyes. After a long time she finally realised that she was allowed to stay inside with us. She slept in the kitchen all night quietly and had only 1 accident which is amazing for an outdoor dog. :D Today she seems to be a lot more relaxed, a lot happier and already feeling more confident. :D :D

    Pics. to follow soon!


    I am so delighted to see this girl in foster, it has made my day :D
    Well done Fiona, she has landed on 4 paws. My now 18 year old collie was the same when I got him 9 years ago . He came on in leaps and bounds, love and care will make all the difference :)


    some photos of Jill as promised!


    Well done Fiona.
    I have tears in my eyes myself reading your update. But they are tears of joy that Jill has found such a kind and patient foster parent.
    I hope that the rest of a fantastic life starts here!!
    Give her a hug from me.



    She must feel like a new dog – certainly looks like one 8-) She must be so happy to be rid of all that filth and fleas :D . Very much looking forward to hearing and seeing more of her in her new state. Looks like a beautiful Collie to me ;) .


    What a beauty! She scrubs up well. ;) You’re doing wonders with her there and in such a short space of time too. Will be following Jill closely. :D Her story is so very like my own collie’s background and nature.


    It’s almost a week now since Jill is with us and she is just adorable :D :D
    She has settled very well now, is quiet, well behaved and seems to really enjoy all the company as well as the comforts of the indoor life. She is already used to all the different noises and goings on in the neighbourhood, goes up and down the stairs which I might mention was terrifying for her on the first trial like everything else. Jill is also so affectionate, friendly and just loves getting lots and lots of attention. :D
    Jill’s first walk was a very scary experience. She was afraid of just everything in sight including all the dogs and people we met on our way. Her tail was glued to her rear end all the way around the park but being a Collie, it didn’t take long for her to grasp the idea that the daily walks are pleasant and exciting experiences. She is now already much more relaxed and has gained quite a bit of confidence on the walks. :D (See pics)
    Jill travels really well in the car and since Wednesday can jump in and out all by herself. :D She is also almost house trained which is fab for an outdoor dog and in such a short time. :D :D
    Overall Jill has made remarkable progress in just a week and no doubt she will continue on this way. :D :D :D


    :D Superb :D :D :D


    Yay!!! You go Jill!!

    It is so wonderful to see her so happy. From such a scared little duckling to a beautiful swan in such a short space of time!

    Well done fiona!! :D :D


    Great work Fiona – thank you ;)


    :) How is your new life trotting along Jill?


    From an outdoor life to an indoor life Jill definitely prefers the indoor life and hasn’t looked back since she got here. :D She has made even more progress this week and is just perfect in every way. :D :D
    She is off leash now and is just fantastic. Her recall is a 10 out of 10 and she never wanders too far. :D :D She gets on great with all dogs apart from the big bouncy ones that charge over to us. They seem to make her a little nervous but after a few minutes she is fine again. :D She plays just like a pup with other dogs and people have actually asked me if she is a pup :lol: She’s does still get a little nervous when strange people reach out to her or in new environments but with lots of positive experiences is getting slowly used to it now but will need to be continued. She is house trained now but does need to be let out regularly to avoid accidents. She is also eating larger amounts now and is slowly but surely putting on weight. :D :D

    Everybody that meets Jill just loves her :D :D She is absolutely adorable and one of the nicest natured dogs I have ever met.


    Happy Ending :D :D


    That is the happiest of endings. What a lovely dog, clean, free of fleas and matts enjoying running around with another dog.
    Superb 8-)

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