Jet – 4 yr old Bichon frise *HOMED*

Jet – 4 yr old Bichon frise *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Jet – 4 yr old Bichon frise *HOMED*

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    Well Jet is coming on famously and really settling in, he was neutered on Wednesday and was not to impressed with his cone of shame but is getting to grips with it now, nighttime is going really well was in the crate for three nights and not a peep, last night he was all curled up asleep on the chair when we were going to bed so I decided I would try him out of the cage last night and he was grand not a peep so the seperation anxiouty seems to have died down completely. Was at the vets this morning for a check up and he was grand and healing well. Is great at travelling in the car, great with other dogs and loves people so whoever gets him as a pet will be getting a great little fella.


    Jet is coming on really well, got over his neutering but I would say he will be glad to get rid of his cone on saturday when he is back to the vets to have his stitches out, he is a typical bichon and has the most gentlest nature, for a dog that spend most of his time alone in the garden with no attention he has been very fogiving to us humans and is now just craving our attention, himself and Dexter my other bichon like nothing more than sitting on the back of the chair in front of the window just watching the world go by, normally I am sitting down in the evening with one at the back of my neck and one on my knee so needless to say I am not lonely at nighttime.


    Aw Jet is a gorgeous boy! I have sent in an adoption form today with Jet as a preference. He sounds like the perfect dog for my family. I have a rescue dog who is 2 years old this month and he is in dyer need of a companion and Jet seems perfect. Here’s hoping I get to him on time :) :) you are doing a fab job with him and his make over is lovely! like a new dog!! :P
    Out 027.jpg


    Aw he is a gorgeous boy!!


    Anyone who gets to adopt Jet will be getting a great dog, everyday he is just getting more and more settled and confident in himself, he is a clever fella and I have being giving him some basic command training so he will not sit when asked. Also the last few nights he is happy to lie in a chair by himself where as up to now he had to be right beside you all the time, last thing at night he does need some coaxing to go outside to do his business as I think somewhere in the back of his head he thinks he will be left out there in the dark, I am trying to build up his confidence by standing at the back door with the door open while he is out so that he knows he can come back in.


    Well Jet (now Max) went to his new home on Saturday morning, was really sad to see him going as he had settled in with us really well, however he is going to a fabalous new home with a little brother Charlie also a Bichon to keep him company, and wonderful new owners who I know will spoil him rotton.


    Oh I am delighted to see this little man get the happy ending he deserves :D :D I only met him for about half an hour and could see what a special little guy he is!!! :lol: Be happy in your new home, Max!!! :D


    Delighted for this guy!!! I did the home visit for the family and they will spoil him rotten! Perfect home for him :)


    This little man has settled in great :D :D


    I have a tear in my eye looking at these pictures we miss him so much, he is a great dog and I am so glad he has found a really good new forever family.


    I was wondering if Jet would be happy to post/have us post some photos or an update on here? Dogs in Distress folks would really love to know how the little guy is doing.

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