Jessie aka Ivan – Yorkshire Terrier – HOMED

Jessie aka Ivan – Yorkshire Terrier – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Jessie aka Ivan – Yorkshire Terrier – HOMED

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    :) She is slowly learning about nice things. Balls were replaced by squeaky toys which have been replaced by things to chew on. Learning to trust her people. Give her 6 months from now and she will be a totally different little dog. So much for her little brain to take in, I can fully understand that – having a little brain myself. I only think about George, Brad, chocolate, Brad, chocolate, lots of chocolate, George, oh, I am exausted now! Thank you for the up-date, its nice to be able to continue to follow her progress.


    hi is this dog still looking for a ‘forever home’. what age is she do you think?


    She is still looking and I think she’s about eighteen months old but I could be proven wrong on that.


    Jessie is continuing to make great progress. She’s a lot more relaxed and has found a new pastime of throwing toys in the air and chasing after them. You’d think the toy in question was alive and was trying to get away from her.

    Accidents in the house, I’m happy to say, are a thing of the past. There hasn’t been a poo or pee indoors in 2 weeks and now we’re greeted in the morning by a ‘Waggy Tail’ welcome instead.

    She’s spending more and more time with us and less in her little bed, in the evenings. She rarely snaps either. Much calmer and funnier, She seems to make progress by the day. We’re noticing more confidence in her. You wouldn’t think a few days would make a difference but it certainly does with little Jessie. It’s amazing to see!

    We had visitors this evening and initially (and surprisingly) she was quite shy but she quickly overcame this and started to enjoy the attention……………!!More updates to come!! :D


    :D Good heavens Jessie, what a journey you have been on and what a lovely little dog you are. When I look at the original photo and the most recent, well, its just unbelievable. Happy days for you.


    Jessie is getting cuter by the day. She’s really starting to trust us now, she’s so affectionate and just likes to cuddle up on the couch with us. She’s been having great fun today chasing Pippin our westie around the table in the living room. Poor Pip doesn’t know what to make of Jessie’s new found confidence and although she’s still a bit cautious, she’s really trying to play with our other dogs. Yesterday Boomer and Pippin were taking turns playing with and old plastic lid and Jess wasn’t getting a look in at all, but at some point the lid went missing. Later when we were going to bed, we discovered it in Jessie’s bed. Yes indeed, cute in every way ;)


    Jessie is well settled here now. Her relationship with Pippin and Boomer has never been anything other than a stand-off and yet she can be fine around other dogs. She loves to be the centre of attention and doesn’t like other dogs taking the spotlight off her. She would so like to be the only dog here.

    There’s nothing she likes more than her long walk everyday. It’s so amazing to see her come out of herself and bounce around the place. On our walk yesterday she was jumping around in the long grass, happy as larry. She doesn’t seem too interested in swimming or water in general (unless it’s for drinking).

    And there’s nothing wrong with her appetite. She cleans her bowl everyday and likes to help others clean their’s too…..! Her evenings consist of cuddling up on the couch. And then there’s the quick walk before bedtime and then zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz………….!


    Well how is little Jessie getting on these days……will we get to see her Pippin and Boomer come Sunday at the Fun Day!


    Sorry we couldn’t make it on Sunday but here’s some recent images of Jessie.


    A couple more images of Jessie.


    Wow :D The worried look is gone from her face – she looks so happy ;)


    She is a very happy little dog and very partial to head and ear massages. She was actually purring with contentment earlier this evening when Fiona was gently rubbing her head. She’s such a different little dog to the one that came here 8 weeks ago.

    She’s such a little joy and a great companion – a real little Lap dog!!


    Any updates on this little girl ?. I can’t believe she hasn’t been snapped up. She is a beautiful little dog.


    We can’t believe she hasn’t been snapped up either and after her haircut today she’s an even more beautiful little girl. I know everytime we post a note on the forum we always go on about how she’s improving with every passing day, but it’s just so true. We had visitors during the week and at first Jessie seemed to revert to her cowering and scuttling away. But after about 15 minutes she was up in their laps, looking for pets. It was so good to see this change in her.

    She still doesn’t have an awful lot to do with our dogs but she makes the odd ‘effort’ with our Cocker Spaniel. He hasn’t a clue what she’s at but he’s patient with her nonetheless. I’ll post a couple of pictures of her soon, so you can see her lovely new haircut – Well I think it’s lovely!!


    what a beautiful girl she is, surprised she hasn’t got a home yet, shes gorgeous!! :)

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