Jessie aka Ivan – Yorkshire Terrier – HOMED

Jessie aka Ivan – Yorkshire Terrier – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Jessie aka Ivan – Yorkshire Terrier – HOMED

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    :) I am confused about the nightmares on the sofa bit of the up-date. What does she do, fall half asleep and then try to eat anyone who moves? Dogs certainly do dream, my elderly GSD does a lot of running and woofing in her sleep and as they say "let sleeping dogs lie" I think Jessie is a smart little cookie and would probably love some sort of job to do. Does she do any tricks, bet she would be good at something like that. She is certainly one lucky little dog to be living with a great foster family, love hearing about her.


    Hey Indianna!
    She’s a very smart little cookie. She knows exactly when it’s bedtime & tries to sneak up the stairs before we coax her into the kitchen with the rest of the dogs! When she’s sleepy – it’s as though she gets a little grumpy or something – she settles down somewhere (usually beside you on the couch), but if you disturb her suddenly or reach over for something beside her she gets a fright & will instantly just have a go at you – she knows straight away that she’s done something wrong & jumps down off the couch. The poor thing just gets so scared. This is happening less and less often though which is a good sign that she’s getting over it. She doesn’t have any tricks yet, but she’s a proper little guard dog & always always wants cuddles!


    ;) Thank you for clearing up the nightmare thing. She is a terrier after all and such a smart little dog and I imagine, very clever too. I love terriers, they are just so full of life and their enthusiasm knows no bounds. They are great little dogs and so loyal, she is lovely.


    am just wondering is Jessie good at travelling???
    Our beloved Mars (our did adoption 3yrs ago) was one of the reasons I bought my first jeep …..he loved travelling so much I wanted him to be able to stretch out and fully enjoy the trips we took to wexford etc.

    I love her pics and have read her entire thread.

    Kind Regards



    Hiya Anne,

    She’s great at travelling. She jumps into the back of the car & just sits there with her tongue hanging out, looking out the window. At the beginning she was a little nervous in the car & wouldn’t jump in on her own, but I think that was more of a trust issue than anything. She really is great now & jumps up herself.

    If you’ve any other queries about her just ask! :D



    Some more pics of the gorgeous girl
    IMG_5755 (Small).JPG
    IMG_5764 (Small).JPG
    IMG_5765 (Small).JPG


    :) Cute as a button!!!


    Any updates on Jessie??


    Punchestown reopened it’s gates to the ‘Keep-Fit’ brigade and Dog Walkers on Saturday, after the Oxegen Festival. We were there for our daily walk with our two, Pippin and Boomer. And Jessie.

    On the lead she moves to the left and right of you, and generally behind but that’s the only negative to report on her lead walking. She enjoys walks so much and really comes out of herself. Although she shies away from Pip and Boo she has been getting steadily closer to them. It’s a slow process. We’ve noticed that she’ll occassionally walk quite close alongside Pippin (Westie) for quite a while until at some point they notice how close they are and like the ‘Red Arrows’ they’ll suddenly peel away from each other. Funny. We can let her off the lead in Punchestown without any fear and she’s been like a newborn lamb bouncing and skipping around the place. It’s lovely to see. But what is it about Terriers and rolling in Fox Poo??!!!! Unreal. I thought Pippin was bad but Jessie is even worse. She’s a funny little thing.

    At home, she’s got a great appetite although she turned her nose up at the dry food that was left with her. The kibbles were quite large, so she’s been eating what my two eat and seems to love it. Petting her could be a problem at times, mainly around her legs and rear but we’ve noticed that when she’s settled in your lap and calm and once you’re petting her gently and for a while she’s not so wound up about her legs and stroking her doesn’t have to be so precise an affair. She loves being petted so much, especially around her face. What’s strange is that most dogs don’t like you touching around the eyes and yet she has absolutely no problem with this.

    At first she wouldn’t go near the little bed that was left with her but she has come around to it and as well as that she has found a couple of other little ‘sanctuaries’ around the house, for herself, such as a blanket behind a couch, second last step on the stairs, etc. She needs time to herself but when she needs a cuddle that’s there for her. Picking her up seems to be getting easier too although she will generally try to get up to wherever it is she wants to get to, of her own free will. But it always comes down to touching her little legs?!!

    Last night she had an accident on the floor, but that was largely my fault in that when I brought them all out last night for poo’s and pee’s, I had Jessie on a lead for fear of her running off and was more focussed on her trying to roll in poo and keeping tabs on the Boys, that I think she was just a bit wound up and didn’t do anything bar a quick pee. I’ll just have to bring her out on her own tonight and spend a little time with her. The difference in food, which is Holistic, maybe having an effect on her little tummy too.

    She’s a quiet little sleeper. No noise out of her whatsoever. I wish Pippin could take a leaf out of her book and stop barking at imaginary dogs in the middle of the night. Drama Queen.


    Little Jessie is coming on leaps and bounds. She’s much calmer and petting her legs and rear isn’t as much of a ‘heart in mouth’ affair anymore. I suppose she’s just learning to trust new people. Last night she was watching Pippin (Westie) asleep in my lap and when Pip jumped off and over to the window to bark at imaginary whatevers Jessie was up in my lap, in his place. Snuggling in, she slowly made her way onto her back and let me pet her tummy. She was very playful. I was mock grabbing her little muzzle and she was playfully chewing my finger, never so much that it hurt.

    We had been using fried liver as a training treat for our Cocker Spaniel, Boomer so Pip and Jessie were of course getting the odd treat for being interested spectators. It might have been the liver or just the introduction of new food in general, but Jessie has been having a few accidents around the place. The problem is, she’s like a ninja. You never actually see her doing it so it’s difficult to correct her. We were told by the previous ‘owner’ that she was housetrained so maybe her nerves are at her, maybe it’s new food. I’m not sure, as she’s peed a few places too. It’s no big deal anyway. The only thing is when an accident is discovered she immediately cowers and scurries away. It’s heartbreaking to see. She seems to be expecting to be hit…..!

    She’s just much more lively and well spirited and you’d nearly think she’s smiling. She mightn’t be smiling by the weekend though. her coat is in need of a trim. There’s hair down over her paws. I don’t think she’s going to be a happy camper when the clippers get switched on but then she might surprise us. I had to remove big crusty lumps of sleep from her eyes yesterday and there was absolutely no problem. She really showed up Pip and Boo. A right pair of wusses.

    Jessie is still stand-offish with the other two which is a pity. I’ve seen previous photos on this thread of her cuddled up to a golden lab and playing with another Yorkie. But she’s just not having anything to do with our two whatsoever. Ah well.
    Pip and Boo.JPG


    Awe – Jessie looks like she’s come on leaps & bounds! Her coat looks so healthy. I fostered Jessie before & have a huge soft spot for her. She’s such a lovely dog – but she needs a lot of patience & care. Well done pipandboo – she seems to be settling well with you. She did do the odd accident in our house too, but for the most part she was housetrained.
    I can’t wait to see how she progresses from here . . . . . . . :)


    Well Jessie had her haircut. She’s still a little cutie and I should emphasize little. Such a tiny thing under that hair. I’m just posting a few pics of her right now with not much else to report.


    what a cutie


    More pics ;)


    OK I was wrong. Jessie is housetrained!! There had been a few accidents, but none lately and we have come to realise that we were feeding her too late in the evenings and not bringing her out to properly stretch her legs. So of late we have been taking the three of them out for a walk a little after their dinners, in the evening, and they can poo and pee to their hearts content.

    The infamous ‘Jessie nips’ have subsided too. We realised that she just doesn’t like surprises or noises – anything that will scare her. And it’s usually when someone has moved too quickly to pet her or jumped to their feet or something along those lines, that she snaps. So, we don’t surprise her and she’s fine. We can even gently pet her back. It’s now gotten to the stage that we feel we should be calling her the ‘Snuggle Monster’. She cuddles up to us on the couch in the evenings whereas before she’d be scurrying off to her little bed for a snuggle upto a rawhide bone.

    Oh that’s another thing. She loves rawhide bones. Someone said that she loves squeaky toys and chasing balls. Really? Jessie won’t chase balls for us. I usually have to go after the balls she refuses to fetch. And squeaky toys? No interest!! But Rawhide bones, she loves.

    She is a little gem in the car. Her car journeys would probably be so much more enjoyable for her, though, if there wasn’t a pair of scallywags sharing (or hogging) the backseat.

    She still has no interest in Cocker Spaniels and Westhighland Terriers, well not the ones here anyway. They can be pretty boisterous at times and if they have been overly so, no problem to Jess to give a disapproving bark to put a stop to the bad behaviour…….!!

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