Jessie aka Ivan – Yorkshire Terrier – HOMED

Jessie aka Ivan – Yorkshire Terrier – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Jessie aka Ivan – Yorkshire Terrier – HOMED

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    Me with my new friends [/url:2z6dexsv”>


    Ahhh, she looks lovely Linda – really happy and comfortable. Well done to all involved in her makeover and care. I really do hope her owner is being looked after just as well.


    Could someone send the new photos of Jessie to her original owner.It might cheer her up to see that her dog is being well looked after,as are all dogs that come in to the care of D I D.


    Yes, I hope so too.God love her… Jessie is a little dote, she is a little nervous but im sure she is loving to have rid of all that hair and to have the air get to her body.


    This little girl needs urgent foster as her foster families circumstances have changed. She needs somewhere with older children and someone at home for most of the day. If you can help please contact Kathy on 086 3696413 ;)


    This is sorted thanks to CathyOConnor :D


    Well I picked up this sweetheart from Linda last night. She was so nervous & sad to say goodbye to Linda & her family who have been brilliant to her. She has a curious nature, but is a little too nervous at the minute to let it shine. She has the sweetest face & just wants someone to love her & cuddle her. My feeling is that she is a fairly young dog – so hopefully we can bring that playful pup out in her. I’ll update later today on how she’s settling in.


    I will be very interested in watching this space :) I am sure she will relax in no time.


    Hope Jessie is settling in, Cathy. It seems strange not to have her pottering around the house here. She is such a treasure, and is really missed, but its good to know she is in good hands. Everyone here says hi to her and looking forward to hearing how she is getting on with her new friend. When she gets to know your little one, she will be hopping around and wagging her tail like a little puppy wanting to play with them.


    Jessie is beginning to settle in very well now. She is getting to know our Maggie & the two of them are having great craic together! Linda, she is exactly as you said! She loves a cuddle & is always jumping around the place looking for someone to play with – she even barks at you if you don’t pay her enough attention :D

    She was well used to being fed from the table as you said Linda, but she’s gradually getting used to the idea that her food is in her bowl! She is such a gorgeous dog & will look absolutely stunning once her hair begins to grow back again. I’m gonna take loads of pics today & put them up later.



    :o What a different world that little dog is living in now, bet she thinks she is dreaming. That improved my day a bit, thanks for the photos.


    She is gorgeous, what a lovely little face .What a shine from your own dogs coat.They both look great. I am sold on yorkies.


    This little girl is coming on great. She really had increased in confidence over the last few days. She loves to play, especially with anything that squeaks! Jessie gets on great with other dogs – once she gets to know them & she has no aggression towards them at all. She loves to have a cuddle & will keep nudging you until you give her a pet. The one area that we’re having problems with is sharing. She doesn’t like you to go near her when she has something in her mouth. Because of this i’d say that she’d be more suited to a family with older children but we are doing our best to try to get her out of this habit. All she really needs is someone to be patient with her& give her a lot of love and care. This girl is gorgeous & she just loves attention. She sits on the top of the couch & looks out the window & waits for you to come home – so sweet!
    Here’s some more pics

    Happy Doggie!

    Playing with Maggie


    :) She is so happy she is actually laughing, how great is that?

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