Jasper – yorkshire terrier *HOMED*

Jasper – yorkshire terrier *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Jasper – yorkshire terrier *HOMED*

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    Jasper is in foster with Aidan. He is approx 5 yrs old and a gentle easy going little man.


    Was wondering would Jasper be good with young children, also with a 1 year old yorkie? I’ve turned into a mad yorkie fan since I got my little beut and would love a playmate. Any info at all on him would be great.


    Hi. Aidan here. Jasper is lovely. I had my niece over the other day and he was fine with her. He hasn’t been around other yorkies that I know of but he has interacted very well with other dogs. I hope this helps. If you want any more info or photos please let me know. Thanks for your enquiry.


    Hey. Just a few more photos of jasper for you all to enjoy! :)


    He’s such a lovely dog, reminds me of my dog who died in jan who was a whopping 19years old! I have another dog but am looking for a companion for her! Both jasper or jessie have caught my eye they look like great dogs with great personalities!



    If you are interested in adopting a dog please send an application form to dogs@dogsindistress.org ;)

    Good luck :D


    Thanks kay, I emailed the other day and filled out the adoption form so am just waiting now! I know it takes time to get back to everyone but I can’t wait to hear back!


    Jasper looking gorgeous! 8-)


    Met Jasper(aka Buddy) and Aidan yesterday and what a perfect pair they make ….Buddy has a beautiful soft coat and greeted me very gently…he wasn’t impressed I had come to do paperwork and not to play…..I interupted his normal walk time and it was funny to watch his antics with Aidan everytime he caught Aidans attention he was only short of saying "come on get my lead we are out of here". He met Oscar briefly and it was a very polite sniff and hello as Buddy wasn’t stopping for long once his lead was on and he was outdoors. Aidan I hope you and your family have years of happiness with Buddy he definatley choose a great forever home.

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