Jasper-6 Week Old Collie x Terrier

Jasper-6 Week Old Collie x Terrier

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    Well !!
    Last night we were lucky enough to foster three of the most adorable puppies I have ever come across. We now have Jade, Jet and Jasper as part of our family. :D

    A big thank you to Sarah who was kind enough to collect our new charges and bring them home for us.

    They are the most adorable ,tiny little creatures you can imagine and there only about six weeks old. The poor things had a long hard day with all of the travelling and the upheaval of moving . When they arrived at our house they were very hungry after their long day so Sarah helped to get them fed and settled.

    They were very quiet and timid at fist but that didn’t last long. When they had relaxed a little we introduced them to our two Yorkies Sophie and Bailey and in no time they were all getting along just fine. :)
    We gave them a bath and let them have a good play until they tired themselves out, then they all snuggled up in one bed and went fast asleep.
    They slept for the whole nigh and were full of life jumping around and wanting to explore at 7am this morning. Their personalities are starting to shine through so were looking forward to see what the future brings.

    Jasper is the joker in the pack. He is the biggest pup (which isn’t saying much considering they are all so small). His coat is more collie like than his brother and sister who have typical short shiny lab coats. He hasn’t got full control of his limbs and when he gets excited he is so uncoordinated it’s really funny. He was quiet at first but now he has really come out of his shell.

    Hungry After A Long Day

    Thirsty Too

    Puppies First Bath

    The Things You Have To Do To Get Clean

    Out Of The Way Sis Its My Photo

    Hi Im Jasper



    Jasper has really come into his own. He likes to playwith the others but is also quite independant and enjoys his own company. He has such a sweet nature and loves to have cuddles and rubs. This guy loves to explore and likes getting to know our plants up close and personal.

    Hmm Wonder What This Tastes Like

    Bet You Cant See What I Can See

    All Worn Out

    Somebody Loves Me



    omg he is sooo cute, what age is jasper now? is he still looking for a new home?


    Super news !!! :D

    Jasper went to his forever home this evening.
    He took to his new family straight away and was such a happy puppy getting into the car and going to his new home. :D
    Thanks to Celine, Eamonn and Aimee for giving our baby this great opportunity, we know you are all going to have a very happy life together. :D
    Keep us posted on the little fella and best of luck with him.


    thankyou so much for letting me have jasper:)
    he is great,hes sitin beside me now listening to me writing on the key pad x

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