Jack – Terrier cross

Jack – Terrier cross

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    thank you so much..such super news! was away for the weekend and was thinking about Mitch and Hudson a lot. You are wonderful and have given a space in your home to a much needed pet! You have made my day..its now Hudson’s turn..the big ol baby!!!


    Just a quick update on jack, he is the perfect little chap. Himself and lily r gettin on great, im so glad ive being able to take him into my home and look after him. He loves sprawling out in front of the fire now he looks so content. It is great to c the 2 of them getting on and he is great on the lead doesnt pull, loves his food and great wit kids.


    A little update on jack. He is the best. Great little dog, great on the lead, great wit kids, so basically great all round. Love havin him here. He has a great personality and always makes me smile :D


    they have taken over my bed ;)


    Jack is a wonderful dog. He gets on great wit everyone. He slept in my bed last nite wit me and lilly and he didnt bugde for the whole nite. There is not 1 bad bone in him. Whoever adopts jack wil b very lucky and they wil have a great companion. He is a very obedient dog.


    My two bodyguards :D They always let me know when somes coming ;)


    just a little update on jack. he is doing great. he is very good on the lead and walks by your side. i love this little fella. im so glad i was able to take him in and look after him, he is no bother wat so ever. he will make a great companion for someone. he sleeps down the end of my bed at night under the covers and always keeps my feet warm :D he is such a lovely chap. he is great with my children, loves playing with them. when you sit down he always comes over a places his bum on my feet its so cute its like he is guarding me. it is definitly a pleasure having him here in my home.


    The lovely Jack


    Jack loves to sit and watch the x factor :D

    Mr and Mrs :lol:

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