Introducing Bonnie

Introducing Bonnie

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    Hi sorry i haven’t been on for a while.. we had a mishap with cookie.. she was running happily out in the back garden with my westie and got a very serious open fracture on her left shoulder..(trampoline owners beware, make sure the u bar and screws that hold safety netting is up high)it was a rush to the vets and they did all they could but had never seen this type of fracture before and we had to transfer her to UCD were Joseph was brilliant.. At one stage we thought the leg would have to be amputated but luckily she didn’t sever the nerves running through the shoulder.. she spent a total of 6 days away from home between the vets and UCD.. Thankfully shes now back to herself and it seems she’ll not have a limp.. I’ll be forever grateful to to LIZ in Barbarie O’Malleys and to UCD for the care and kindness they showed me and cookie


    Poor little mite…thank God she is ok : :D


    These poor sisters seem to be in the wars this week, our Bonnie was attacked by a neighbours dog last Friday, the dog which is a very large dog bit her back and flipped her in the air, she was very shook all weekend and very sore but thankfully by Sunday evening she was getting back to her usual self. Hope Cookie makes a speedy recovery and that there will be no longterm damage.


    Oh dear, poor Cookie!!! :shock: She looks so brave in the photos, poor little pet. Great to hear she has recovered so well though. ;)

    Also poor Bonnie! Attacks like that do give them a shaking up but they do bounce back very quickly, thankfully.


    Poor Bonnie.. glad to hear she’s bouncing back.. It can be just as scary for you as it is the dog..It seems Cookie will have no long term damage to the shoulder but keeping her in constant contact with the vets if i see any sign of distress in her.. she is such a sweet heart and so gentle.. she never even cried all the time she was in vets or ucd.. To be honest i was worse than her and my daughter had to console me :oops: So glad i called her Cookie now as she is one tough little Cookie..

    Thank you Kay and Mutley for the kind words and concern


    Just an update on Cookie and some new pic’s.. Shes only been groomed and looking very smart ha ha.. also her brother Cesar was groomed.. sorry its taken so long to post recent pic’s..

    DID Rescue

    OMG she is so cute, she looks fantastic :)
    I have to say all these girls were such cute puppies and are now such good looking adults with fantastic attitudes. :)
    Cookie was always a smaller pup than Bonnie.
    I met Bonnie recently and what a sweetheart :P
    Out of these four girls three went to live with Westies and one with a Bishon, all the brindle/black girls have white brothers :D
    Thanks for the photos.

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