Iggy – Terrier x lab , puppy *HOMED*

Iggy – Terrier x lab , puppy *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Iggy – Terrier x lab , puppy *HOMED*

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  • #84263

    YAY :) at long last :D

    DID Rescue

    Great news, delighted for the little man he so deserves it.
    He will have a great life :)


    ah thats great news :D


    Well Iggy ( now jet ) went off with his new family today , :( . Liv who is a foster is bringing him home to his big brother Max, Happy endings for a fab boy :D :D .


    Jet is a real goldilocks puppy – not too big, not too small, just perfect. he is having fun playing with his new big brother Max and is getting along just fine with Ribery the cat. They were even lying on the bed together this afternoon. Jet went to St Annes Park today and met some of the morning regulars. Then friends came over this afternoon with their dog and we all went to another park to play so Jet was pretty wiped out. He is sleeping well and eating like a horse. We think he might be a mix of lab, collie and staffie but its really hard to tell – we just think he is the cutest little thing and so gentle and pretty quiet. Our photos dont do him justice at all but I was never good at taking photos of black dogs.

    DID Rescue

    Lovely to see his big brother minding him as he is flaked out.
    Delighted to hear they are getting on well.
    I know what you mean about photos of black dogs……..it’s a nightmare.
    I have had so many in foster and it was so hard to get a good photo, but you did well :)
    I love the one of where he has his bed all fixed and sorted to his liking……so funny and dare you fix it after him spending ages getting it all tossed and right. :D


    This fella is so lucky to have found you and i know he will be loved forever :D , thanks for the update i love seeing how they are settling in , it always makes my day :D :D

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