Hooch Lab – HOMED

Hooch Lab – HOMED

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    Hey Margaret,
    I’m afraid it does look like this big boy will break our hearts just like Bax did :( he is such a lovable dog. i think we need a bigger house not to mind a bigger couch!!! :lol:

    He is a slob around the house but yet still has that puppy streak that means he’ll attempt to push his luck from time to time. He has never chewed anything in our house or had any accidents.

    He is a dog that just oozes nature and he just loves cuddles and rubs. He is such a handsome dog and is content just to have someone with him, if we’re cooking in the kitchen he’ll happily lay at your feet and just watch the world go by :D when any of our neighbour’s call he greats them with wag and is straight over to try and get a rub.
    He rarely barks unless he is trying to get Lucy or Jack to play

    This beautiful dog is one in a million. Here’s some pics….. ;)
    kids n hooch 017.JPG
    kids n hooch 037.JPG
    kids n hooch 039.JPG


    Ah Emma, he is so beautiful. Just look at that face!
    I certainly think you will have broken hearts again when he finds his special family. :cry:


    This gentle giant is heading off to his forever home and his lovely new famliy have promised loads of updates :D


    Great news! I hope he’s very happy.


    Our beautiful and sweet natured Hooch left us today for his new life with his forever family :D

    We are sure he is going to have an amazing time in his new home and we wish him all the happiness in the world god knows he deserves it this fab boy is just amazing in everyway and sadly missed by his foster mammy and daddy and his foster brother and sister, we’ll keep everyone updated when we hear how Hooch the pooch has settled in his forever home ;)


    :D 8-) :D
    Picture 381.jpg


    Stunning boy :D

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