Holly JRT

Holly JRT

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Holly JRT

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    :) Boiled white fish, chicken, pasta and white rice (boiled to death) are the usual offerings when dogs are ready to start eating. She may not want to eat antying yet. As soon as she can keep water down I would try and get her home then try tiny offerings when she looks like she might be interested. I am no expert, just have a dog (GSD) with a RUBBISH digestive system and we (vet and myself) have nursed her through various stomach upsets over the last 12 years. Sometimes she wasn’t interested in food for 3-4 days – that used to worry me but the vet’s advice was not to push it in case it made her vomit and that fluid was far more important than food. Keep your chin up Holly, I am thinking of you and I am sure you will get better eventually.


    Thanks – i am gonna try to get her back tomorrow. At this stage she has spent more time in the vets than she has here :cry:

    With Holly’s luck at the moment I’ll be snowed in tomorrow and wont be able to go anywhere :|


    ;) Your heart is in the right place and you are trying. Little Holly is lucky to have you and the DID team behind her.


    Latest update on Holly – she had diarrhea last nite and is back on a drip so still with the vet today :cry:


    Poor Holly, I know how worrying it is to see them so poorly. Elsie had that same bug from Dec 22 and was in the vets on a drip for nearly a week, but came home to us on Tuesday in great form finally rid of her vomitting and diarrhoea. So fingers crossed for Holly- you’d be amazed how resilient these little doggies are. While she’s on the drip she won’t be dehydrated and they can get her meds into her and you’ll start to see a gradual improvement day by day. Hang in there little Holly ;) ;)


    holly’s coming home! holly’s coming home! Holly’s coming home! :D :D :D :D :D


    :D Yipppeeee for Holly. I khow she will enjoy her new (and her very own) fluffy bed and the special care and attention she will get from her foster family. What a new world is about to open up for Holly, how I wish she knew she is now safe and could enjoy it from now – she will soon realise. Be good Holly, I know you will.


    Holly is home and happy with her forever family :D


    I’m delighted Holly is recovering – doesn’t she look so comfortagle on her cosy bed. Serina, you came along just at the right time – some things are just meant to be.


    :o With her forever family, I am so delighted for her. She still looks a bit poorly but she will make great strides now that she has found her way to her very own family. Very best wishes to you and your family Holly, just wait until you are back to full health – enjoy your new life and we hope to hear from you now and again.


    :) How is the lovely Holly getting along?


    Holly is doing wonderfully!!! She has had a bath, which she didn’t really like but was very well behaved for – she is drinking plenty, and eating small amounts regularly – some chicken, potato, dog food and she even stood up on her back legs today and robbed a sausage from my daughters plate :lol:

    She has a wonderful personality – she is so funny, very affectionate does not like cats though!! She has been for a couple of short walks each day and she is brilliant on the lead – trots proudly alongside me as if to say "Look – I have someone who loves me" except when she sees a cat! Other than that she is spending a lot of time sleeping in front of the fire.


    Delighted to hear Holly is improving. Many thanks Serina for the update I was just thinking about Holly – I’m sure she will repay you one hundredfold for the warm safe home you have given her.


    :D Thank you so much for the up-date on Holly, it has warmed my heart. To know she is safe, cared for and WANTED is just wonderful. The sausage maybe wasn’t the best idea Holly but I bet you enjoyed it!


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