Holly – Boxer

Holly – Boxer

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Holly – Boxer

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    You might remeber Holly was in Urgent action a few months ago, as being very very underweight and Urgent Foster was required for her, Well Little Miss Holly doesn’t seem to like bigger dogs and her foster brother PJ got a bit of a hard time from this lady!! In the mean time, his foster Dad’s best mate met her and completely FELL IN LURVE with her, and she quickly moved over to his house into foster, with a view to adopt…….well Holly has been adopted by her foster family and they could all never be happier!!

    Holly is doing great, still not the best with bigger dogs, but has recovered and is now a picture of slobbery health!! :lol:

    Here are some pics her dad sent on…..they simply ADORE her and she rules the roost!! :D :D

    I don’t have any before pics- but believe me- SHE LOOKS FANTASTIC!


    wow i remember this little ladies before pics, she looks amazing! well done to all involved!


    de lovely holly she is such a lovely girl!!she has come on leaps and bounds..as sarah says she is totally transformed from when i got her down to me…shane and his family have done a great job and she has found her own loving home…x big kisses little girl from deb,barry & of course your arch enemy pj ha ha


    Hi there

    I remember your post about Holly. Glad to see she has settled in with her new family.

    Caitriona. ;)


    What a transformation, she looks great. Delighted she is getting on well. Good job Deb for finding her new home.
    Cath :P


    Is this the same dog? She looks absolutely fantastic – well done to all!

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