Hobbs – Husky x English Setter pup

Hobbs – Husky x English Setter pup

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Hobbs – Husky x English Setter pup

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    Meet Hobbs, a 7 month old husky x english setter. This is probably the most placid dog I have ever looked after. He loves just lounging around and being rubbed on his belly.

    He walks very well and is good off lead – never straying far from your side. His recall is excellent. People are gobsmacked when they see him – stopping to admire him and pet him. It can make walks in the park quite long!

    Loves being brushed and is super in the car. Loves meeting new people, so so friendly. Gentle around children and good with other dogs. A real little gent. Deserves a loving home, would be a fantastic addition.


    Oh wow, Hobbs is a beauty. How is he getting on? Can’t believe he hasn’t been snapped up yet.


    Hobbs is getting on great. He is quite the cool kid on the block with the dogs in my local park. I have totally fallen for him and it will be really tough to let him go.

    Someone has sent in adoption papers for him – just waiting to hear back from someone from DID about his application.

    Hobbs has responded really well to training and his recall is superb….bolts towards you as if his life depends on it. He is the best dog I have ever looked after :D


    That’s great news, hope he goes to a lovely home. He really is a stunning dog.


    Hi there,

    When I saw Hobbs’ picture I totally fell in love with him. He has the most soulful eyes and I would love to give this fella a home where he’ll be totally loved xxx. We’re hoping to adopt him and have put in forms and had home check. Not sure how long it takes to to hear something back!! :o I hope he’s still doing great.

    We lost our dog (who we also rescued) due to sickness two years back and we were totally gutted. We just feel now is the right time to give another dog (hopefully Hobbs) a new and fulfilled life again. Give him all my love and kisses…. :D


    Ah I’m delighted, he is stunning. Good luck with the adoption.


    Thanks so much :) ! I’ll keep you posted…

    Nice name!!!

    Take care :D


    My son adopted Hobbs about 5 weeks now. Hobbs is an amazing dog. We couldn’t have asked for better. He is afraid of nothing. He loves other dogs, children,walking on and off the lead, playing in the park, swimming in the sea, and if there is a mud pool within a 10 mile radius he will find it, roll in it and sitck his head in it!

    We goes walking three times a day and loves every minute of it. My son takes him everywhere with him in the car. He has already been on many adventures.

    Hobbs is incredibly placid and easy going and loves company. He has settled very well into our family and we couldn’t imagine our home without him.

    He continues to grow (pictures will be posted in the next few weeks), but he doesn’t realise it (he tries to sit on my daughters lap!). He is very playful and tires himself out all the time.

    We are very grateful for Hobbs and thank everyone involved in choosing us!
    Hobbs and I bump into other dogs who found their owners through your organisation. You are an amazing organisation,

    thanks for everything! and especially thanks for Hobbs


    Am so glad to hear he is getting on well. Been eager to hear – checking the site everyday!

    I fostered Hobbs and found him to be the most amazing dog I have ever meet. Still have his pic up on our fridge! Miss him lots.

    Thanks for giving him all the adventures – he’ll dive head first into anything once you’re with him. The dogs on our street are still mourning his departure….


    So sorry you had to wait so long to hear how Hobbs is doing. Ciaran has had a busy summer and never seemed to get around to posting an update. He will post some photos when he gets back from his holidays in a few weeks.

    I can understadn that you must miss him a lot.You are more than welcome to come and visit Hobbs any time, you have Ciaran’s number.

    I hope you can take comfort knowing that he is in a good home and is very well looked after and loved by all of us.


    Not at all! I know he is in excellent hands. He really did take a shine to Ciaran immediately. Thanks for the post.


    Hey there Emma,
    I’m so so sorry I’ve left it this long! I did exactly what I said I wouldnt do, and took ages to update! Apologies!

    He’s doing really well… absolute gem of a dog… love everything, everyone and scared of nothing!

    I can’t figure out how to get pics up… so I’ll send you a link to some and you can see how he’s grown! He’s lost so much of his baby fur!

    http://www.new.facebook.com/album.php?a … 98683c714f

    Sorry again for taking so long, hope you’re well.



    OMG Ciaran he’s an absolute stunner. Well done – you’re obviously doing a great job :) Hobbs is one happy doggy by the looks of him. Keep up the good work. I knew you could do it :D


    Thanks for the pictures Ciaran. He looks superb. Yes he does seem to have an inner radar that can hone in on dirt from miles away. He was willing to swim in the sea with us but was really at his happiest prancing about in some pretty rancid water in the Phoenix Park…
    Glad to hear it’s going so well,


    Thanks a mill Fidelma!
    And yea he really prone to mud! I’ll update some of those pics later! haha…

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