Herbert – Springer x puppy *A Sprollie* – HOMED

Herbert – Springer x puppy *A Sprollie* – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Herbert – Springer x puppy *A Sprollie* – HOMED

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    some more paw pics :(


    a very happy dog with his granny and helping her all the way , xx


    Thanks a million for the update..he looks great ;) I have pm’d you about his paws ;)


    well herbie has been with us just over the year now and is coming on great, i changed his food to allergy tolerant food and his paws are great, not sure if it because of the food or that the grass mites are gone this time of year , but the difference is remarkable.
    Herbie is getting big and his training has come on so much , he now happily bounds back to us when he is called , are seems really pleased at how it makes us happy.he gets to run wild and free in the farm chasing rabbits.
    i’m dying to add a new pup to the household but still have to get around the hubby , maybe next year. so glad that we went with Dogs in Distress or we wouldn’t have this breath of fresh air that makes us smile everyday, in our lives :D


    What a great story Auds – one dog can bring so much happiness to a household. I hope you and your family (2 and 4 footed) are doing well.

    Also interesting to hear that diet may have been the root of the skin problem (food for thought, if you’ll excuse the pun). As someone who previously suffered from eczema (which has now magically gone away) I know how terribly sore and irritating dermatitus can be.


    Just an update ,we have Herbie 2yrs and 10 mths now ,and are delighted to show you his new buddy Molly, we got her after been burgled in May as Herbie slept through ( crazy chilled dog ) so thought we needed a bit more security , I was delighted as have been trying to get 2nd dog for long time,so every cloud etc, she is also a rescue who had been abandoned at a farm and had been living in a shed alone for 3mths . We think she is around 9 yrs old but is still like a pup ,she was an outdoor dog but has adapted to the house very well. Herbie tolerated her for the first few woks but now they are great buddies.

    As for Herbie and his skin issues he is now on the raw food diet and tablets , he should be on one every two days but with the help of the diet I have him down to one a wk. his paws were good all summer compared to my previous post , he has so much fur on his feet now you think he was wearing legwarmers !!

    Hope you are all doing well and I constantly sing your praises at what a great charity you are, and recommend you to anyone I know who wants a dog. I even did my communications oral presentation on DID ,so spreading the word .

    P.s love the album too xx


    Brilliant :D

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