Herbert – Springer x puppy *A Sprollie* – HOMED

Herbert – Springer x puppy *A Sprollie* – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Herbert – Springer x puppy *A Sprollie* – HOMED

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    This beautiful boy is approx. 4 months old. He will be wormed, microchipped and have at least his 1st vaccination before being rehomed. He must be neutered at 6 months old.


    We got this little fella Saturday night, he settled in in no time. Had no problem at all getting on with our own dog.
    He is only a pup so not properly house trained yet but were working on it, he is like all pups loves jumping around playing, when he’s not doing that he’s sleeping on the couch.
    He’s very patient when it comes to food.


    that last pic is sooo cute ! hopefully he will be snapped up in no time at all !


    Well Herbert is doing great, his house training is coming along well. He was a little nervous of walks at first was’nt fond of the main roads or noises of cars but once inside the park he is fine, mixes well with other dogs, absolutely full of energy! loves playing with his ball which would keep him amused for hours!

    Hopefully Santa has a nice forever home waiting for Herbert! :)


    Awh he’s such a handsome boy! Looks very like diesel I fostered not so long ago He was a big boy but such a baby. Like Herbert he was nervous of what he didn’t know, but once we took the time to show him it meant no harm he was happy as Larry! :) hope this boy gets snapped up! He’s a Beaut!


    how is he getting on now ? cant believe he hasnt been snapped up..


    We were down in my mams over the Christmas, introduced Roxy to Herbert, he is adorable and was hyper of course to meet a new friend but very well behaved….he was not a bit bothered with having to share his space. we brought himself and Sasha a bone to say thanks for having us so he spent most of Christmas eve at this… no issues with sharing considering they were all switching between bones..

    Lets hope he finds his forever familly soon :)

    DID Rescue

    This type of dog is commonly known as a Sprollie, a mix between a Collie and a Springer.
    I cant praise this type of dog enough, they seem to aquire all the best attributes of both breeds.

    They are intelligent, smart, loyal, loving, affectionate,great temp and get on with everybody.

    In the UK they would be queuing up for this type of dog as they are so reliable in all situations.Sprollies are known for their excellence in flyball,agility and obedience as they nearly all adore a ball.
    This makes them easy to train once you put the ground work in at an early stage as the ball can be used as a reward as well as other things.

    They are not couch potatoes but they do know when to stop once they get over the baby stage, unlike the pure bred Collie or Springer where it’s hard to find the off switch.

    This type of dog is a must have and I know it as I have one and fostered loads of these type, ……. :) they really are the best.

    Herbert seems to tick all the boxes. I would love him… really my type of dog.


    This boy went off to his forever home on Saturday and has settled in really well….only cried for a couple of minutes the first night and sure who wouldn’t when everything is new all over again.
    But he is doing super and his mum and dad are just delighted with him…looking forward to some photo updates soon


    Hi we got Herbie on sat , he is such an affectionate dog and has settled in wonderfully, its amazing how it seems he’s been here for ages, he sleeps through to 8 every morning with no accidents , actually no accidents at any stage. Every morning after his run in the garden ( toilet break) he comes up to the bed , goes nuts for about 2 minutes and is then back to sleep with me. he is growing so fast i swear he is bigger than sat , he is learning tricks and also learning how to be a sheep dog, which is great for using up his energy, but he likes nothing more than sleeping in front of the fire every evening, so very like us really, we are thrilled at how he has settled in and seems very happy here.


    well here’s a few more pics of Herbie , he is going up fast , settled in very well and has been out on farm enjoying the sun .

    DID Rescue

    I love the photo of him sitting looking across the field.
    He looks like the little Lord of the Manor surveying his grounds.
    I think he is saying " I think this is what you call an upgrade in life"
    Great space for this boy :)


    Herbie being a very good boy watching the dog whisperer, probably wondering whats that dog going nuts for,’ just chill man !! ‘ :lol:


    well Herbie is doing wonderfully , i can’t believe its only over 2 months since we got him, feels like its been forever, he definately is one of the family now.
    i have added some photos , one of him sleeping with my husband though i don’t think he’d be happy about me posting it but i think its so cute , my two favourite men panned out together.
    Also with the good weather recently i brought Herbie to the local lake, i think it was his first time to see a lake i don’t think he has swam before, so he entered the water tentatively and found a rock to stand on !!
    Now he loves the water but its very hard to get him out now, he loves it and pulls me all the way to it now .
    heres the pics :


    Well Herbie is doing great , he is getting very big and has us all under his thumb/paw. We adore him, he is great company for us as we have been trying for kids for years and he is our breath of fresh air, and has brought us so much fun and laughter.

    We are a tight little family now as you can see from the photos below. My mum has been diagnosed with cancer since we got Herbs and he now goes into her every day and spends the day with her , he really is keeping her going , I really think dogs have a sixth sense and he knows she needs him, he really is making all the treatment bearable as he cheers her up so much. we have one little problem that I would like advice on if anyone else has experienced this, you see Herbie licks and chews his paws until he is raw. I noticed this the first week I got him and checked with the lovely girl who had fostered him if he had been treated for fleas, which he had.

    Every evening when he goes to bed he starts chewing , his paws started to get sore looking so I brought him to the vet, he looked at his paws could find no mites etc but gave me tablets just in case( these just made him vomit lots).

    When I brought Herbie up to get neutered and showed them to vet Paul and he gave me some more tablets too but he did say he thought it may be a comfort thing. Since then we have been putting socks on his feet at night, which helps some what. Its weird as he’s such a happy dog, a month ago I brought him to yet another vet and he thinks Herbie may have got some frostbite when he was abandoned as he said he only saw this in sheep before, he gave me a elizabethan collar , he said to keep this on 24hrs a day until he got out of the habit, we put it on but he was miserable and looked like he thought he was been punished for something, so that was abandoned too. I have read that collies are prone to licking issues, oh yeah we also bought dermapaw off the internet which seemed to relax him but made them look even more raw !!

    So I am just wondering if anyone out there has experienced this and found a solution, our dog trainer said to put lavender on and this does work for a while but he just seems to be moving further up his legs. He is a really happy dog and even when we touch the raw areas it doesn’t seem to bother him but it just looks so sore that i would love to help him. Thanks in adance sorry for long message, Audrey

    P.S sorry for the paw photos , i’ll take them down if they upset people just want to people to see how they are ,but pls also see how happy he is in the other pics xx

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