Henry….. The Great.

Henry….. The Great.

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs In Loving Memory Henry….. The Great.

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    sorry to hear of your loss he sounded like a wonderful companion r.i.p. henry. i lossed my jrt 5 years ago still miss her my cat passed 3 months ago still miss him, one cat left and my angel foster dog, hope you are ok we are thinking of you here in the hayden household


    Oh My goodness my heart is breaking for you. I cannot imagine how you feel and Im sure nothing that I say can make you feel any better. Henry was the luckiest doggy to have such an amazing owner like you and he will go to doggy heaven with so many happy memories. Thinking of you :( x


    Ah Kim, I’m so sorry to hear this. Henry was one in a million and I think as the saying goes "when god made you he matched you".


    Oh Kim, that is so sad. I remember losing Buster our Dalmation to cancer last year and was so heartbroken for ages. You never forget them, they give you so much in their short lives but look at the great life you gave Henry. Your slide show is a wonderful tribute to him and to your years together. It was after we lost Buster that we adopted Ellie, so in a way something good did come out of Buster’s passing, if you know what I mean. Cherish all your memories, they mean so much- we’re thinking of you :cry: :cry:


    No dog could have had a more devoted owner and no owner could have had a better dog. Run free with all your pink ribbons flying out behind you in the Dublin 4 of heaven Henry. xxx


    I am so sorry to hear about Henry :cry: That is the hardest part of having dogs is to let them go when their time comes, which is always too soon. :( I am glad i had the chance to meet him at the fun day & he was lovely in his little suit.R.I.P little fella. :cry:


    R.I.P. so sorry for your loss….the pain is unbearable xxx


    So sorry to hear about Henry Kim, I only met him for thr first time at the fun day and he looked so great in his doggy tux. It’s never an easy decision to make but I know Henry is thankful you had the strength to make the right choice.


    Beautiful tribute to Henry.

    He sounded like a fantastic dog who was most obviously loved by you.

    Take care.

    Caitriona. :(


    So sorry to hear the awful news Kim, I had the pleasure of meeting him a couple of times and he really was a special dog, it’s never easy saying goodbye but at least have the consolation that you had 10 great years together. Thinking of you at this sad time.



    Sorry to hear about your loss.


    I want to thank everyone for your messages, they mean alot.
    It’s been 1 week now since Henry went to the Rainbow Bridge…it feels like a year. I’ve never been this long without my Henny Penny, every day drags through.
    There is now a star named after Henry so I can now look up and say goodnight to him every night which is lovely. My little Henry Star. :)
    Forgot about the videos I took of him, here they are below for anyone who hasn’t already seen them.. xx






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