Henry….. The Great.

Henry….. The Great.

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    Yesterday I lost my best friend.
    Henry was diagnosed with kidney disease in March after routine blood tests. He baffled us all including the vets as he showed absolutely no symptoms.. but in the past 2 months he became unwell, although he would always pick himself back up again, and was always in great spirits. That was our Hen, he was known to sing "Always look on the bright side of life" :) He was a fighter.

    On Monday Henry became very ill, but by Tuesday morning he ate a pork chop and a rasher for breakfast. That night Henry went so downhill it was terrifying.
    Me and Hen stayed up all night and had a long chat. It was a talk I was dreading as I knew it was time…. time to make a decision. So many people told me "You’ll know when it’s time" I was worried that I wouldnt know, but it is true…..you just know.
    Yesterday morning Henry went to the Rainbow Bridge. I told him it was ok to go, he fought long enough, he was so brave for the both of us….right to the very end.

    What Hen knew well is that he had ALOT of admirers. He loved all the attention and had so much support from people when he became unwell. We are both very greatful to all the people who helped us both.
    He was always charming, cheeky and a happy fella. Never let anything get him down. He was a great story teller aswell. We called him Grandma Hen for the way he looked after any puppies who came under our roof.
    He would let them crawl on him, tug at his beard and suckle from his….er…Wilbur. :lol:
    He always knew they needed extra TLC and would lick them, mother them, and was known to pee on the odd puppy…. :roll:
    He let fully grown males and female into his home without a bother, some humped him (although he had NO complaints there :) ) robbed his bed, toys, treats…..he never bat an eyelid. He fostered so many D.I.D dogs, and enjoyed every minute of it.

    Hen had a passion for ALL things Pink! He loved balls….. playing fetch…. but never quiet figured out that the ball has to come back…he cant keep it! :roll:
    He loved long walks through the grass and was known as the Hare and he could bounce his way through the fields without a bother. He loved swimming, he is the only dog I know of that puts his head right under the water!! His latest fetish was the Beanbag, he loved how he could mould himself into it. :)

    It goes without saying Henry was 1 in a million. He was special. He was mine.
    We had a great 10 years Hen… so many memories….so many stories.
    You’ll always be with me…. you’ll always be my best friend.
    We miss you so much…. the house is too quiet….the beds too empty….life is too empty.
    I know you are at the rainbow bridge taking all the puppies and doggies under your wing, frolicing in the fields of gold.

    We’ve lost a great friend, but they have gained a hero.

    Love you…. FOREVER. xxxxx

    Slideshow of Henry..

    http://s132.photobucket.com/albums/q13/ … 5dc170.pbw


    Awh…I am in tears just reading this…so sorry to hear it.

    RIP Henry…run free at the bridge little man


    So, so sorry Kim. Sounds like he was indeed deserved of the title "The Great". :cry:



    Henry, you were and still are one in a million! I have never known a dog too look after pups as you did….especially the little boys! ;)

    Keep in touch…and don’t go over board with the pink!!!

    Suzi xxx


    HENRY THE GREAT a title richly deserved – Henry babysat puppies and mature dogs alike and shared his toys and treats with them. Kim, Henry’s owner tells me all Henry’s treats and toys are being donated to the Poundies in Ashton Pound – I wouldn’t expect anything less from Henry and his very sad owner Kim.

    Just now in Rainbow Bridge Henry is choosing a very classy pink collar ;) – it sparkles in the sunshine as he runs over the bridge and bounces through the fields. Long live Henry the Great.


    I only heard this afternoon. I’m so sorry Kim. Henry was a great man and will be fondly remembered by sooo many. Hugs and Kisses from everyone here


    Kim I am so sad to hear about Henry, those photos sure do tell the tale of his "greatness" with all the puppies and other dogs that passed through his life, such a wonferful and very special fella.


    So Sorry for your loss. My dog died 6 years ago. We had her for 12 years and she had to be put to sleep. I will never forget the pain and feeling of loss I experienced at that time. I still miss her! Mind yourself and give yourself some space to grieve.


    I’m so sorry for your loss. I never met Henry, but he sounds like an amazing dog. And he obviously had a great life with you, some consolation I hope, especially when you get to see all the dogs that haven’t been so fortunate. You know that you gave him a very special gift, and I’m sure that he repaid it many, many times over. We all unfortunately have to say goodbye to this special creatures that we share our lives with. There are a lot of people who know how you are feeling Kim and totally understand.

    Run free at the bridge Henry.


    I’m so sorry for your loss Kim. Your post is so lovely, it has me in tears here.

    RIP Henry.


    Kim, so sorry for your loss. Hayley must be lost without her best bud. You will all be in my thoughts.


    Kim im so sorry to hear your terrible news.. Henry could never of had a better mum all the love you showed him.. Poor hailey must be really lonely.. Keeping you in our thoughts at the hard time..

    R.I.P. special man you had a special mum that will never let you be forgotten.. Run free at the bridge!



    I am so sorry to hear this. You honoured Henry by giving him a fantastic tribute – I dont think theres a dry eye in the house.
    Henry loved pink and dressing up – he was always winning the ‘Best Dressed’ competitions!
    Henry did a wonderful job with all the foster dogs and puppies who passed through your house, Id never seen such a ‘Mammy’.
    Run free at the Bridge and know we are all thinking of you and your mammy, Kim.



    I am very sorry to hear about your boy. I never has the pleasure of meeting him but he looked very special. Reading about him really brings you to tears. my heart goes out to you Kim. xx


    Kim I’m so so sorry….


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