HELP! Calling all Hope’s pup’s 2010.

HELP! Calling all Hope’s pup’s 2010.

New Home Forums DID Dogs Advice HELP! Calling all Hope’s pup’s 2010.

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    My two year old springer X Jessie, aka(Hermione)has started having a go at dogs in the park!

    From the age of 8weeks Jess has played in the park each morning with every and any dog, she is known as a happy funny little lady. But in the last month or so her behaviour is not so ladylike, she crouches down and some times she rolls over but every now and then she springs at the other dog growling and runs at it and seems like she is about to tear the head off the poor pet! owners are not happy. she has never bitten another dog as far as I can tell.

    It does not happen every time but I never know when she will take a dislike and have a go. I hate the thoughts of having to muzzel her. Any ideas what is going on and how can I sort it.



    Hi Debo

    Did anything happen in the park that she had gotten defencive ? did a dog have a go at her at any stage ?for eg if it was a collie type that she had a run in with all other similar dogs may remind her therefore she straight away gets in attack mode… dogs do go through phases but they also come into themselves as they get older just like kids would and develope their personalities….the drop and roll submissive thing is exactly what Tilly does (aka the hope i think you are talking about)..
    You would have to see when she is doing it to help and see the circumstances when she does do it..for it younger dogs she does it to now that she is older and tring to keep a pecking order..
    Tilly is exactly the same…but i know the dogs she wont get on with and the dogs she will…for that reason she doesnt get off the lead with dogs she or i do not know unfortunately..
    if you have any questions dont be afraid to pm me and ill answer whatever i can…


    Hi there,
    we have Misty [hoover] who is Jess’s sister. We have the same problem! When Misty sees another dog approaching she crouches down and is very wary when dogs sniff her. Im nervous with her on the lead as well and are very cautious when letting her off the lead. Maybe its in the breed. Am hoping maybe to bring Misty to an obedience or socializing class as I don’t think she socializes enough with other dogs. Im not sure if she’s nervous or what! She loves people though

    Would love to hear from any of her other siblings and see how they’re getting on and if they have the same problem and tips to help us.


    I really really urge you to try to get help from a professional.
    This goes beyond breed and family traits,this is what is best for you and your dogs.
    Nobody should be nervous about walking their dog!


    PM’d you back debo :)

    I would deffinately recommend bringing Misty to training classes..she could just have no cofidence if she is not used to other dogs around her so the sooner you get her socialised the better for both of you..if you are nervous walking her she will pick up on this as well so someone with experience to guide you would help you both :)
    its not a breed thing so i wouldnt be putting it down to that..just like people every dog is different..
    dogs are quick to learn and if they are like their mammy they will be quick learners so a simple training session could help you when done right..for example teaching your dog to ‘look at me’ and the dog looks at you can distract before the confrontation between your and another dog even starts once you know when to pick up on it. there are plenty of training classes around and doesnt have to be obidence you can do something fun like trying agility. Tilly goes weekly to dublin dog training where she loves it and when she is working doesnt care about any other dogs around her only what she is doing :)

    hoping it works out for both you guys :)



    what I cannot get my head around is the fact that Jess has been meeting and playing with all sorts of dogs every day for two years and she reaches her second birthday and it’s like a switch went in her head. could it be down to terrible teens?




    If you contact Louise ( 087 7438478 she can have a chat with and call out.

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