Hope you are back to your bouncy self really soon Hailey…..and if the amount of good wishes you are getting are helping the healing process you will be 100% in no time at all.
well hailey had her little op done this morning poor little baby slept until 4 o clock she is groggy and feeling a little sorry for herself but with luck will be her hyper self in morning.
good few stitches to keep my eye on and they will be removed roughly 8/10 days time all going well
happy birthday to hailey and her sisters a year old today kens photos.jpg kens photos 002.jpg 165743_181727218524979_139434106087624_496923_991723_n.jpg
happy b’day for her mammy:) tillys sorry she cant be there but having all those babies as such a young ages took it out of her glad her siblings didnt learn her ways hehe…
happy bday !!!
hailey has now finished the foundation agility course and they think she is a natural for agility so fingers crossed plus cathal my eldest did very well too so they think he could do the junior agility course. and the eventually compete with hailey if he wanted to or they can just do it for fun. i will continue on doing it as well just to stop me from seizing up as excercise is good for renauds