hailey 7 weeks old springer x(hopes puppy)happy endings

hailey 7 weeks old springer x(hopes puppy)happy endings

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    Thanks for that will look it up on the web.
    Do dogs in distress use their own vet for the neutering, I have to ring the girl about Misty. We are going to the dogs in distress fun day in September, we are hoping Tilly and some of her pups will be there too, It will be great to see them together.


    Well Hailey is a lovely pretty girl very bouncy :lol:
    We took Hailey on holidays for a week came back on Sunday ,she had a great time.
    Will post pics when I get a chance :D
    Hailey is getting spayed on Weds so fingers crossed she will be ok.
    Here is one or two of Hailey playing with a white german shepard pup called Ghost on our hols this is in Donaraile Wild Life Park in Cork.
    ghost and hailey.jpg
    picnic in donaraile.jpg
    ghost and hailey again.jpg


    hailey was spayed today instead of yesterday, she is home now tired and a little wobbly, but in good form because she found the energy to bark at our cat :lol:
    we met her sister today another beauty though hailey seems to be taller than any of the sisters we have met so far.
    we also met star the lurcher puppy who is now called tilly and she is stunning looks like there is a saluki mixed in not sure if i spelled that right ;)
    any well hailey is recovering will post up more pics of hers hols during the week :D


    I hope Hailey is feeling better today Shirley :) They are gorgeous photo’s :D


    hailey went to see paul today and had her stitches out :D she is in great form bouncing all over the place. we brought hailey to kinsealy pet store and bought her a hugh floating wubba which they are selling for around 7 euro’s due to over stocking they are normally around 18 euro’s so a bargain plus hailey loves it :lol:


    :D What a lovely dog Hailey is growing in to. She looks quite small by comparison to the white GSD she is tearing around with, I would have been staggered if she had been anything like the same size :lol: :lol:. It is always great to get the neutering bit out of the way, just a nice, busy, happy life now. I hope you have a decent stock of walking shoes/boots because I suspect Hailey will have you walked all over the place, up hill and down dale. Think how fit you will all be. Your God dog, Nellabi continues to take life on at 100 miles per hour, she is just the best small black dog ever born, love her to bits. Nearly ate the postie on Saturday morning as he tried to hand the post over the gate, can’t tell you how close she got to him, it was her biggest and best bounce to date. Do you know what, she now sits for the door to be opened and most of the time waits to be told she can go out, not all the time but most of the time, good girl. I look forward to hearing how Hailey progresses. I wonder if Pixie has completed her world domination yet :lol:. Ah, so many dogs to follow!


    Indianna, she loves walking :lol: and yes to the shoes, thankfully Hailey has stopped growing :lol: we hopefully will start agility soon, as she loves running over the A board and small jumps.
    As for Nellabi she is true to her breed a pure and perfect Patterdale. one day I hope to meet her when not sure :D
    Hugs to you both xx


    great to hear the job is all and done with :)
    oh no..shes into shoes too !! tilly has stolen a few…chewed her beds..she can open doors and i had a very near miss with a dress i got for a wedding this wkend..she took the dress out of the bag and the nicely wrapped paper and shredded it to pieces..thankfully the dress was spared :)
    shes doing really well at agility did a course all off lead this sat so was delighted with that ! and it seems the apple doesnt fall too far from the tree so you should be flying at it in no time :D
    are you going on the 12th ?


    No thankfully she has given up on chewing the shoes Laura :lol:
    yes we will be there on the 12th as long as i do not feel sick.
    The little minx is more a teddy robber and clothes from the basket.
    wow you were lucky Tilly gave up or else your dress was definatley gone crikey that would be dreadful :shock:
    Glad to hear Tilly loves the agility I am fairly sure Hailey will be like her mother :lol:


    Sorry I have not been on for a while. Hailey on Monday just gone and collapsed on me. Thankfully for Paul he met me at at his premises and looked after Hailey very well. Hailey came home on Weds still poorly but a lot better than on Monday.
    Paul thinks Hailey has Cystitis but we are waiting for test results to come back. She is on antibiotics at moment. We are buying Hailey a new bed because she has taken a dislike to her crate and won’t sleep in it.
    Paul said she is probably a little traumatised from staying in the kennels in the veterinary hospital.
    Anyway she is improving thank god just needs to put weight back on then I will be very happy.
    So will update next week with the results.
    Hugs from Shirley and my baby Hailey….. woof woof


    Hailey hope you are back on all four paws soon and feeling your wonderful self again


    :( Hailey, what are you doing? Don’t get sick, you will make us all worried and sad. Fancy making your family go out and buy you a new bed. You need to drink more and enjoy your antibiotics, they are very good for you. Take care little one, I will keep you in my thoughts and look forward to hearing that you are back to full health very soon.


    🙁 Hailey, what are you doing? Don’t get sick, you will make us all worried and sad. Fancy making your family go out and buy you a new bed. You need to drink more and enjoy your antibiotics, they are very good for you. Take care little one, I will keep you in my thoughts and look forward to hearing that you are back to full health very soon.[/quote:2dlir3vg]

    thanks indianna promised my mammy that i will be careful she knows i dont mean to sick, she was very worried but is very happy now because i was running around a lot today hugs and licks to you and nellabi and the rest of your fubabies


    this is me and my young friend tadgh he is only 3 and we love hugging and playing in my new bed my dad bought this one which could fit a great dane and he has no idea on girlie colours but its comfy and i am happy :lol:
    ‘s 015.jpg


    vet rang today one of haileys tests say there is some wrong with her kidney so hailey has to go back for more bloods to be done. he also said it is very strange for a pup to have problems like this.
    so fingers crossed she will be clear on next set of bloods :( :cry:

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