hailey 7 weeks old springer x(hopes puppy)happy endings

hailey 7 weeks old springer x(hopes puppy)happy endings

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    I am so jealous. Wish i could have kept Happy or Honey. Both gone now. House is so empty without them. Missing them both! Enjoy Hailey…she is a lucky little dog.


    thanks olive, we are enjoying her she is a fantastic little puppy :D


    Congratulations on your new family member , one very lucky puppy.


    Congratulations on your new family member , one very lucky puppy.[/quote:185vzi59]
    thank you we feel very lucky that she loves us :lol: at moment as i type she is trying to chew the wires so i have to keep moving her :lol: all my messages are taking so long :lol:


    hailey is starting puppy classes on sat with DTI cant wait, glad i signed up because hailey is jumping and nipping my youngest all the time he cannot move, so DTI told me to bring tadgh with us :D should be fun :lol:
    will update after class on sat :D


    hailey had a great time at dog training ireland today. the class was very good, puppies all ages and sizes. plus we met the lovely denzil and family hope i am spelling his name right as he was a dogs in distress pup as well. he is so good :D hailey was very interested in other pups and coped really well :D she is only 11 weeks so for free play they put her with a 13 week puppy and a 17 week puppy after a short time they decided she could cope with the bigger pups :lol:
    hailey met jojo20 and loved her, then she met suzi and roverdil and love them as well. she slept coming home and is asleep in kitchen at moment :D


    Well what can i say Hailey is a credit to Shirley and the family. There was not a bother on her yesterday at class in DTI. She was quite happy to play with all the bigger pups and not a bit fazed by all the hussle because it was a big busy class. 8-)
    Even when the big Akita (who likes to sit on every pup :lol: ) came over she just calmly sat down and let him have a good sniff and continued on her way!
    For such a small girl she had great sits and even came to say hi to me a few times down the back- she knew i was dying for a rub!
    Shirley the kids did a great job getting other pups to sit and mingling in the class. Cant wait to see Hailey and her new family over next few classes- even tho i think they should be in the advanced class ;)


    thanks jo :lol: not sure we are ready for advanced classes :lol: yet,
    looking forward to next week though.
    now i really need help with the cat and hailey, the cat is very aloof and is major freaked out that we have adopted hailey. hailey just wants to pounce on her and play i hope :? she is barking every time she see’s cassie and getting really hyper so fingers crossed we can resolve this with time as my cat is not coming back for meals now :( until she is really hungry.


    Oh the poor cat :? Im sure the girls at DTI will have advice for ya. Im sure its Hailey being a typical youngster and that its fixable. ;)


    hailey age 11 weeks :D


    I was delighted to meet little Hailey at the weekend…she is such a gorgeous girl and was full of cuddles :D …its great to see how happy and confident she is too. She is a lucky little girl to end up staying with you guys…lovely pics of her too


    hailey came out in the car to collect ciara and cathal from school then we went to two pet shops to find a pink harness for her, then we went to visit daddy in work in the dublin ind estate and everone thought she was beautiful. then we all went home :D . hailey was fantastic that was the longest trip in the car for her :D.
    still barking at cassie our cat and growling :roll:
    puppy classes tomorrow so they will brighten up her day :lol:


    hailey is becoming more relaxed around cassie our cat less barking. cassie was on the wall watching her running like a mad women around the garden :lol:
    everyone is noticing her pink harness thank god so no more oh he is lovely :lol:.
    she is getting big i can barely lift her, ken says she is solid muscle :lol: and she still looks for her cuddles on our laps ;)


    :) Geordie, are you quite fond of your dog daughter? I think you might be. I wonder how big she will eventually be, I bet the cat is also pondering that question. Love reading about her adventures, especially as I know she is home with her family. Will you still manage to foster?


    yep indianna i could not bear life without her now my cat and hailey are my little angels :D sorry ment to say click on picture for video :D

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