hailey 7 weeks old springer x(hopes puppy)happy endings

hailey 7 weeks old springer x(hopes puppy)happy endings

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    hailey is chocolate brown with white socks very pretty. she only arrived this evening and has settled very well. she likes to play and follow you around. i will post pictures tomorrow :D
    hailey and heidi asleep on there first night.


    well hailey is a little darling, she likes to give a little cry even when nothing is happening to her when you talk and make eye contact she really plays up to you very cute, hailey is a shadow she loves contact with people but is good at cuddling up with her sisters. at moment haileys toilet training is non exsistent, but we have started toilet training so fingers crossed :D
    i bathed hailey yesterday and she is so fluffy and soft with wavy hair on her ears she is a very pretty little girl :D not mad about the bath but she will get used to it and enjoyed snuggling up with hers sisters in there bed in front of the fire. :lol:


    Oh my god Shirley :shock: Your house must be so much fun with those stunners!! I think you should have a nite out with the hubbie so me, kids and puppies can run riot in your house! :lol:
    Im sure the pink will start to appear in next photos knowing you! Good luck on toilet duty with 3 of them. Im sure they will blossom as all your other fosters have! ;)


    thanks jo, only had one pink collar but plan on buying more as you have said they are fantastic who ever gets to give them a forever home will be so lucky :)


    well i have just noticed that hailey runs around in circles and make a little crying noise just before she needs to go toilet so happy days i am bringing her to the paper in the kitchen to go so fingers crossed if one does well maybe the others will follow suit. :lol:


    hailey loves playing in the garden with her sisters will post pictures later.hailey loves playing full stop. when they come in she sits at back door wanting to get back out, it is very cute.
    hailey is more bouncy than her sisters.


    oh my god if you seen hailey this morning you would just completely fall in love, such a cute little sweet baby, hailey is very much in love with people when her sisters were jumping all over my 9 yr old she pushed them away like she was protecting him very cute. this morning she came over to me she was very sleepy so i lifted hailey onto the sofa she crawled up me put her paws around my neck and fell asleep. hailey worries when ken and i are both in the room she spends her time going between us to share the love :lol:
    i really feel that hailey needs someone to be at home most of the day other wise she will fret.
    having problems with photo bucket hope to have pics up tonight :D


    let me out :lol:
    hailey lying on heidi


    Hailey almost looks exactly like Happy (my foster baby) except Happy has no white on her face. They are so adorable. I have Happy & Honey. They love attention and company and cuddles and would play all day…with a sleep here and there after all the running. Hope u are getting on well with yours…enjoy!


    hi olive, you are right they are very alike all the hopes puppies are beautiful. i am really enjoying these sweet little girls they are the best puppies, hailey is very sensitive i was crying on monday because i had been told my cousin died and she started crying with me and put her paws around me and cuddled up. i went to funeral today so my husband was looking after the puppies and hewas saying how inteligent hailey is. hailey is mostly going to the toilet outside but we do have paper down as well, she is not perfect at going on paper in the house but in a few weeks she will be great :D


    They are all so cute and surely a joy to have them around.
    Hailey has such a smart, sweet face!!! :)


    she does, she looks so cute and you tell she is thinking all the time. she is asleep at moment with her sisters as she has been playing in the garden all morning. hailey is a very keen football player :lol:
    hailey when older would be perfect for agility training


    So just perfect for a family with kids….possibly boys!!!! You never know…she could score some goals!! :lol:


    well boys or girls as she was playing with cathal and his friend niamh who is an excellent footballer in swords :) poor hailey is missing heather who left today with her family heidi was very quiet as well. i put a harness and lead on them today and walked them outside the house and hailey was brilliant.
    hailey is a snuggler and a kisser :lol: very in touch with every thing we do as a family, she will make some family very happy :D


    well little hailey who loves football, tug of war and a good old cuddled has now added the command sit to her list :lol: she is very good once she is getting a treat she sits on command.
    so hailey is pretty and inteligent when older i think she would be suited to agility as well :D

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