Greta – 5yr old Springer Spaniel*HOMED*

Greta – 5yr old Springer Spaniel*HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Greta – 5yr old Springer Spaniel*HOMED*

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    This lovely lady is gone into foster with Grace, who will update soon ;)


    I picked up Greta from Meath dog pound yesterday, and she’s settling in really well. She’s such a lovely dog – energetic, well-trained and really affectionate. Such a pleasure to have her. She had a great big walk in Phoenix Park today, and even though the deer and ducks caught her eye, she behaved herself. She seems to like eating wild garlic too! Will keep you updated over the next few days.


    Wow…what a difference..well done & thank you :D


    Having such a great time with Greta! She’s really settling in, and once she has lots of walks and affection she seems very happy. We’re right next to Phoenix Park here so she’s had lots of space to explore. She got her first run off the lead yesterday and she was fantastic. She constantly checked in with me before doing anything, and she absolutely loves to fetch sticks and balls. When she’s at home, she is so mellow and has really made herself comfortable, as you can see from the photo. She particularly seems to like a bit of mellow music to relax to (right now she is listening to M Ward :)).


    Its hard to believe its only been a week since I picked up Greta from the pound. She’s really settling in more which each passing day. She is mostly quite calm, but seems to get a little anxious if people come or go and coughs alot when this happens. Once everyone is settled around her though she is calm, relaxed and happy. I can keep her off the lead for walks all the time now (except when near the road of course as she’s a little oblivious to cars). She never goes to far and though she doesn’t answer to her name, she does come if you whistle or call her. She really gets very energetic in the park, and loves to play with sticks. She has the typical hip problem of Springers, and tends to walk to the side a little, and she needs consistent amounts of exercise daily as a result. She is just the sweetest thing, and really loves to give you lots of love and affection.


    Beautiful photos…thank you :D


    ah she is gorgeous :)
    hopefully she will get her forever home real soon :)


    How’s life treating you Greta? Hope you’re doing well…just keeping your paws crossed for your forever family! ;)


    Hi there! Its hard to believe that its been almost a year since I first collected Greta from the dog pound in Meath. She officially joined the Walsh family in July, when my parents decided they wanted to take her permanently, and I have to say I was delighted, as it meant I got to see lots of her, and of course she comes on her holidays to stay with me when they are away. Anyway, she has really made herself at home with us all, and seems to be a really happy and content dog. She has the beach on her doorstep which means she can swim as much as she likes, and being a Springer, of course she loves water. She’s really become part of the family and we look forward to many more years with her. Here are some more recent photos of her in Phoenix Park, doing what she loves to do most. All the best, Grace

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