Greetings from Marley

Greetings from Marley

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Greetings from Marley

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    The marvellous Marley headed off to his Fab Forever Home today. He is going to have a busy life with his new family……looking forward to some updates xx


    So Marley has been with us 2 days now and is getting on brilliantly. He has made firm friends with the kids and his new big brother, Friday.

    We decided not to change his name as we thought it suited him but have added several other names so he is now Marley Sunday-Bagel Scout… Or just Marley for short ;)

    Myself and the dogs go out for an early morning walk before everyone else is up and then its home for breakfast. He is eating well but is also very good at trying to steal Friday’s!!!

    The rest of the day is spent wrestling Friday, trying to sneak upstairs, getting belly rubs and playing fetch especially after school finishes up ;)

    The marvellous Marley headed off to his Fab Forever Home today. He is going to have a busy life with his new family……looking forward to some updates xx[/quote:2nxn088c]


    Hey Dairin,
    Delighted it all worked out for you and Marley! :D :D
    I bet Friday is loving the company and the play.
    Many happy years together! :D :D
    Cali says "hi" :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Hi Everyone,

    Delighted to hear that the transition is going so well. Our house is definitely a tad quieter since Marleys departure. Send him a belly rub from us xxxxxxx


    So Marley is with us a month tomorrow – Where has the time gone? :o He is such a sweetheart and like other people on here who have been adopted by a dog from DID we are absolutely smitten and can’t imagine life without him.

    In the first few days we were very proud of him as his KONG toy lasted all of 12days (much longer than any other toy) however before we could get the Extra Extra strong version to replace it he ate several toys (my kids now pick up most of their stuff :D ) a flip-flip, a couple of colourful skittles, the alarm sensor on the back-door and a door mat! He started on the rug in the playroom but I put a very quick stop to that. :evil: However his favourite thing to chew on is his big brother’s collar or cheek :? When Friday is lying down and Marley decides that it is time to play (which is most of the time) he grabs Friday by the collar and pulls him out of his slumber and into the garden for a game of wrestling. They play together all the time and we are now seeing another side of Friday we didn’t know before which is lovely. Luckily for us we have a great butcher and local pet shop who reserve their biggest bones for us and as a result Marley’s diet is now limited to those ;)

    At night Friday will usually get into his bed but by lights out he has been evicted and replaced by a puppy exhausted from a very busy day!


    Hello all, I decided to post an update on Marley and just checked how long we have him. I can’t believe that it is ONLY five months it seems like forever. He is doing great. His poor big brother Friday is still being dictated to and has to eat his dinner quickly otherwise himself is straight in there to finish it off :roll: :roll:

    They are very lucky boys as the summer is wonderful and every day they are either up the hill or going for a big long walk while their human brothers are doing tennis and then after all that exercise there is often a trip to the beach or the River walk, which as labs they of course cannot resist.

    Thankfully the number of shoes Marely is eating has drastically reduced and he is currently working his way through a Cow thigh bone which is keeping him well busy. At the end of the day he is still a baby and usually puts himself to bed at night as he is so exhausted


    Delighted to hear he is well and truly one of the family. Would love to see a few pictures. I’m sure he is doing wonders for Fridays waist line with all the wrestling :lol: Glad to hear his baby chewing seems to be a thing of the past, although it seems to have taught the boys the importance of picking up after themselves….every cloud has a silver lining. Send him lots of cuddles from all of my gang xxxx

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