Goldie – 2yr old Pom *HOMED*

Goldie – 2yr old Pom *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Goldie – 2yr old Pom *HOMED*

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    This little man is gone into foster with Collette, who will update soon ;)


    This poor little man is in shocking condition…he will be groomed asap and Andrea will update soon..






    Poor little fella! :o
    It reminds me of Alice just a few weeks ago. Grooming poms without pain can be quite a task when there not used to being brushed. It took me over 3 hours to comfortably remove all the undercoat and dreadlocks from Alice but she did feel great afterwards. :D :D


    Well this boy is a new fella after his grooming yesterday. He looks great. All the Matt’s are gone and he still has a massive coat. Very skinny underneath but we wont be long sorting that out. He is a great little dog. He does a little dance when you come into the room. He likes to follow you around a lot too. But once your sitting down there isnt a budge out of him he just curls into a ball. Likes human beds too :lol: He doesn’t really interact with my dogs at all which suits my westie coz she’s the same. But the others are very inquisitive and he isn’t interested. Will update again soon :-)


    What a gorgeous little dog – his grooming has worked wonders. His coat is astonishingly beautiful. I fostered a Pom for DID last year – Charlie. My first Pom ever and I am a total convert to the breed. It’s interesting what you say about Goldie being indifferent to the other dogs – Charlie was very good with my cats – not bothered with them at all. I wonder if their relaxed nature is a breed thing? Maybe just down to personality.


    :D :D


    This handsome little man in in foster with us, thanks to Andrew who collected him from the Vet after his little "snip". He is recovering very quickly and has already won over all our hearts. He is unbelievably quiet in fact you would almost forget he is in the house. We think he must have been mistreated along the line because he is very nervous of all sudden movements and sounds. When we first met he cowered whenever anyone went close to him especially my husband but it is amazing how quickly he is beginning to relax and more importantly trust us. He is fully housetrained and so well behaved. He is so happy when we come into the house greeting us with his beautiful wagging tail and lots of kisses. He also does his little twirls with excitement. He gets on very well with Meg, our staffi, and he also likes to do his own thing like sneaking upstairs and finding a bed to snooze on. At the moment he is stretched out on my daughter’s bed sound asleep and very happy. All his wants is to be cuddled and loved but then again who doesn’t? He will make a wonderful addition to any home. Photos to follow.


    Great to see Goldie settling in, it was my pleasure to be able to give something back to DID for everything they do and for bringing Ben to me. Goldie really is a quiet little chap and seems to have a nice temperament. Hopefully he finds a great forever home.


    Keeping tucked away and quiet. How do you spend your days gorgeous little Goldie?


    Goldie apologises for not being in touch but he has been busy over the last week getting his stitches out and discovering that life can be great and not scary as he has obviously experienced. He seems to be a little timid and nervous on meeting new people but once he builds up trust he is amazing. We had a major breakthrough yesterday when he licked my husband for the first time, he has clearly been mistreated by men in the past. I just cannot think of enough compliments to say about this little man. He is just a gem, so affectionate, gentle. quiet, obedient, handsome and just wants to please all the time, in fact he is the perfect Man, Goldie I mean of course!! He loves playing with Meg, our staffi, so a home with or without another dog would suit. He loves travelling in the car, and does his twirls whenever he gets excited. He is great on the lead and has no problem meeting other dogs. We love Goldie and hope that he gets the forever home he truly deserves.


    :D Thank you, lovely to hear about Goldie’s progress ;) . How brave of him to put trust in your husband :P You do have to wonder why anyone would be bad to any animal but something as tiny as Goldie :( . What could he have done to deserve to be reduced to fear of everything? Happy days for him now, super little dog 8-) .


    Goldie is going to be very brave tomorrow and go to the Adoption Day in Maxi Zoo, Tallaght, where he hopes to meet all his foster brothers and sisters and may also be lucky enough to meet his forever family :D


    We met the gentleman Goldie today with his lovely mum and dad too…..he is a total sweetheart and stuck close to his family for reassurance….such a tiny little thing could fit in anyones home and heart.

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