Gio – Scottish Terrier *Homed*

Gio – Scottish Terrier *Homed*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Gio – Scottish Terrier *Homed*

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    Good to see you keeping active Hamish…new hobbies are most important! ;)


    Hi Mutley
    :shock: Sorry to say that Hamish’s new hobbie came to a sorry end as the frisbee is now beyond repair so we have gone back to gardening. Hamish decided to dig up my lovely white rose bush but he has decided to take a break for the day so its slightly uprooted :shock:
    Hamish loves resting with Lucy on the couch in his space time when he is not digging the garden, paw cleaning and chasing footballs and bursting them :o
    we were so sorry to miss the DID day as we were away and Hamish wanted to meet up with the Scottie Duo :lol:
    I am enclosing a picture of Hamish in the garden, a group shot and a beach one with charlie :D
    Hamish gardening skills.JPG
    hols in kerry.JPG
    charlie and hamish.JPG


    We have yet to find a toy that is Scottie indestructible!! :roll: Love the photos (the gang look in great form) – Scottie eyebows are just made for wafting in sea breezes! :P As for the white rosh bush….Mac and Bonnie are MOST impressed! They knew Hamish still had gardening skills bursting to get out…and there you go! :lol: Perhaps he is hinting that a ground cover/carpet rose would be more suitable? Scotties know best. :mrgreen:


    Forgot to say that paw cleaning seems to be a common hobby for Scotties! Mac and Bonnie spend hours doing this every day but only ever the front paws (leaves lovely wet patches on whatever surface is under the paw! :roll: ). Football chase and bursting is also a favourite and apparently you have to strip the ball of its covering along the way…two Scotties and tug-of-war makes this much faster (and somewhat more expensive)! :lol:


    Hi All, Hamish is in fine form, just enclosing a picture of him catching a few rays out in the back garden. Hamish still continues with his weekly visit to the nursing home with John. The residents love him so much and even the very feeble reach out to touch him. Its amazing to see the impact Hamish has on the residents and how much they look forward to his visits.
    Lucy his girlfriend is so funny. She had a grip of him this evening as she licked him, he tried to escape a few times but she was having none of it and would not let go until he was gleaming :lol: :lol:


    Loving the grooming style, very suave! ;) Bonnie says you’re as good looking as Mac and Mac would comment but is too busy looking at himself in the mirror! :roll:


    Wait now Hamish, where did that November sun come from? Your coat looks so shiny in the sun. Are you sure you’re not using one of them celebrity photographers there :D ?


    Thanks Mutley & dogsrule, Hamish is delighted with all the attention, he puts his good looks & gleaming coat down to plenty exercise & heathy eating :lol: & gardening :roll: his photo has not been air brushed in anyway….he is a handsome man :lol:


    :lol: Happy Christmas :D
    xmas dogs.jpg


    Brilliant :D


    Lovely line up! Hamish, there is no escape from Lucy! :lol:

    DID Rescue

    Great photo :)
    Bless Charlie he is such an Angel.
    Hamish is making sure he is laying claim to his girlfriend…….snuggle…snuggle ;)
    You all look fantastic, happy and contented :P

    I just came across the photos of Hamish , Ella and all my lot loaded up in the back of the Jeep ready to head off down the fields for a run.
    It only seems like a few months ago and not three years or so.
    You have turned into a great little man Hamish and not the nervous little guy when you first arrived :P


    Thanks Marie, I cannot believe how the time has flown by. Lucy and Hamish are devoted to each other and it all started in your garden when they meet. It is amazing to see the strong bond they have, it was love at first sight :D


    Hi all, Hamish is in top form. John & Hamish were delighted to see Marie today :D Hamish is such a happy chappie & continues with his work as a therapy dog adored by all. Here are 2 pictures taken today. Hamish takes bird watching very seriously :D


    Hamish came to visit on Saturday :D 8-)

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