Gio – Scottish Terrier *Homed*

Gio – Scottish Terrier *Homed*

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    Hamish, Lucy and Charlie


    Hamish and lucy




    Lucy has the ball!

    DID Rescue

    Thanks Angela they look great together, a perfect match in all respects. Charlie I see is taking on the matriarch position……..just keeping an eye on the kids….Bless him he looks a real sweetheart.
    Delighted to hear the small ones are getting on well, no doubt Lucy is the boss :)


    Hamish is a very a happy chappie. He is really coming out of his shell. Lucy and Hamish are made for one another . They patrol the garden at top speed, my poor Timmy the cat is just getting used to Hamish and is a bit wary at the moment. Charlie is as laid back as ever and Hamish likes to give Charlie a few licks . Hamish is such a gentle soul, as time goes on his confidence will grow. Keep you posted….


    Oh my word just look at his face in the last pic, I recognise that expression so well as Alfie (scottie) does it all the time :lol:

    He is adorable and im very envious as i’d love another scottie (rescue of course).


    Just a quick update on Hamish (GIO) . I cannot post pictures as I am having problems with camera and phone camera won’t take pictures either. I am getting new phone end of month so will post then.
    We have Hamish 5 weeks and he has really settled in. He is a very happy dog loves charlie and Lucy. He is very affectionate and his confidence is growing. Hamish is a fan of electric wires and has chewed through two alarm wires hence a new wireless system will be installed next week!! Beside wires he loves chew bones, pigs ears and kongs which are plentyful. Every evening he is exhausted from playing with Lucy and we bring them all on two walks a day. One walk is to the beach which he loves. He loves his food and I mix in a variety of foods with royal C. He is greatly admired by all who meet him.
    We are thrilled with him, he is such a lovely little dog and he gets on so well with Lucy and Charlie. Lucy is his soul mate, they are made for one another. He will be going on his summer holidays for two weeks in our house in Kerry. We will be near rossbeigh beach which is 5 miles long and a dogs paradise. He is great in the car. He sits in the back with charlie which Lucy sits up front. We are so delighted to have been lucky enough to give Hamish a home and or course Lucy too.
    :D :D . Keep you posted!!


    Here is Hamish, just testing with new phone. He is in great form. He bounces around the garden, he know his words, walkies, pee wees and pigs ears. His personality is really begining to shine through, he is so funny. He could sit on command when we got him and marie was working on the paw. The paw is now given at any opportunity, just in case there are any treats. Thre three dogs are great pals. I regret not getting my collie a few brothers and sisters years ago. :D


    Hamish having a chew on a bone with Lucy


    Lucy and Hamish enjoying the good weather :lol: :lol:

    DID Rescue

    Ahh… Angela they both look soooo cute.
    I am glad to hear the little man is settling in and doing well.
    Lucy looks fab real little Bishon look now.
    They look so good together.
    Is Charlie still busy keeping an eye on the kids??
    A few years ago if some asked me for either of these dogs coming into rescue I would have just laughed………….different story now, and you have too fab kids as a result.
    Thanks for the update great to hear he is still gaining confidence and finally being a dog.
    A big hug Hamish from all your pals in the countryside. :)


    Thanks Marie, We were so lucky to get them both and Charlie is in top form. We are all off to kerry on Friday to our country retreat, 3 dogs and one cat. The beach at Rossbeigh is 5 miles long and the dogs love it and we have alot a space around the house. Will post up some pic on the hols . :D :D


    Here are some pictures of Hamish, Lucy and Charlie on their holidays. Hamish is having a ball. He loves Rossbeigh beach its such an amazing place and so safe to walk dogs. He is in top form and was so well behaved travelling the car for the 5 hours.


    Hamish, Charlie and Lucy

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