George – Pointer cross pup

George – Pointer cross pup

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings George – Pointer cross pup

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    A photo of this little baby…


    Well George went to his foster home last night. Thanks to amber&ruby for picking him up and for giving him a great foster home :) He is such a gorgeous little guy, who got on great with our dogs, no fear in him at all :) He came to us on Sunday morning and spent the day trying to hump Max our Mastiff and Mitch our foster too ;) I think Missy our boxer was a bit put out, the only girl in the house and no interest in her at all :lol: :lol: He has the biggest and softest ears I have ever felt so Mark had christened him Gizmo before we realised he was George :) Anyway here’s some pictures from his couple of days with us. Good luck little man!


    This little guy is with us now and we have called him George, as in Curious George! I hope this is ok. He is such a lovely pup. He loves the other dogs and adores cuddles. He is very playful but also happy to sit on your lap and snooze. He is snuggled up in bed with my two now with his bum on Amber’s head! I’ll get some more pics and get them up, he is so handsome!


    This guy is adorable. They are extremely high energy from what I can read about them. Is little George a mut and if so what’s the cross breed?


    Pointers are high energy dogs and need loads of excercise. We do not know what he is crossed with as we have no details on him, just his handsome looks to go by.


    George is in foster with me and has been asleep on my lap for the last 2 hours, not exactly high energy all the time!
    I have 2 pointer crosses myself and they need a good walk and preferably some off lead exercise everyday day but once they have had a good run they are happy too lounge around the house for the rest of the day.They are real couch potatoes and love a good cuddle.
    George seems to be the exact same. He loves to play like any pup but isnt hyper and likes his calm quiet time too.
    He is also learning very quickly. His toilet training is coming on well. He goes into bed on command and he knows how to sit.
    He is getting nuetered on friday. He is such a lovable little guy, Im going to be heartbroken when he goes. He will make a great pet for someone. Ill try get some more photos up soon.


    George went to his forever home on Wednesday. I’m delighted for him. He deserves an amazing home, he is such a sweatheart. I was so upset when he left, i miss him cuddling up beside me :cry: . My dogs seem to miss him too as they were mopeing around the house and whining after he left. Which is strange because they are used to dogs coming and going all the time, it shows you how special little George was! I have been talking to his new owners and he is settling in really well and they love him. Im delighted he now has a happy ending! :D

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