Geo – JRT x Terrier

Geo – JRT x Terrier

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Geo – JRT x Terrier

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    Name: Geo

    Reference Number: 1423

    Sex: Male

    Located: Ashton Pound

    Found: Suffolk Street, D.2

    Date Out: 26th November 2008


    Poor little Geo – doesn’t know what hit him. He’s very subdued and quiet and won’t touch any food in the pound, not even the chicken that kim brought for him today. He seems to quietly traumatised. Can someone please foster him, he’s only little. For the moment a quiet space would be like heaven to him.


    From Justineemoe:

    Geo was feeling a little more himself on Sunday and had a little bit to eat. He’s coming around!


    I took a dog out for a walk today, he looked exactly like this one. Sorry I can not be more specific. He had stray written on his cage. He was a lovely dog to walk, very gentle and a good boy on the lead. I will make sure to get the ref number next time. Can’t see any others up on the board who look like him. He was a little gent.


    It sounds like Geo alright. He’s a lovely little fella.


    Well as luck will have it, Geo was chosen by the pound staff to come out for a walk with me this morning. It was really nice to have him out again. He is very lovable. I hope someone can give him back the love he deserves.


    Geo is a little gent :D June had him out and my 3yr old slipped on the ice,well geo ran over to him and licked his face to see was he ok.great with other dogs as well. :D


    Well Geo is still awaiting his forever home. He remains really good natured – wonderful temperament – great on the lead – loves other dogs and people. I know foster homes are like golddust but could anyone offer him a lifeline?


    Oh Geo – this chap is a great little dog! He is only little and LOVES other dogs, really thrives on thier companionship. He is only a baby – 1 year at the most, so loves to play and have fun. I’m shocked he hasnt been snapped up as he stands out so much, and is so gentle and loving.

    Can anyone please help him and all the other dogs in at the moment? They are in sooooo much danger at the moment and desperatly need a lifeline.

    If you can save a dog for christmas please contact gkd aka Gwen ASAP before it’s too late.

    All they want for christmas is you………


    Geo really needs a lifeline in the form of short term foster. He is the most gentle little dog with a terrific temperament. He waits patienty to be taken for his walk – he remains calm admist the noise of the Pound. Please can anyone offer this great little chap a foster home over Christmas? If you can help Geo please contact Gwen.


    Geo will be joining our clan this evening, cant wait to look after this boy, he seems like a real sweetheart :D


    Yippee am delighted for Geo. :D


    Geo is a very sweet boy, he’s been getting on great with us. He is very loving and gentle. He seems very young and likes to play, especially with my Narla (if you ask me there is some flirting going on :lol: ). He also likes his tennis ball and can keep up with the rest of the clan :D

    He has a good appetite and eating very well. He is already house trained, good on the lead and knows sit and paw. He doesn’t seem much of a barker at all, very quiet and sweet. He has a sweet little whimper he does when he is tired :D


    Hands off – its my ball

    Puppy love


    Oh WOW he’s looking great, just love the 2nd photo, what a caption! :)
    Thanks a million for fostering him.

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