Gareth – Lhasa Apso in horrific condition *HOMED*

Gareth – Lhasa Apso in horrific condition *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Gareth – Lhasa Apso in horrific condition *HOMED*

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    somethimes i wonder if dogs could talk what would they say??? id imagine gareth would say thank you, thank you, thank you


    I can give a small contribution towards Gareth’s medical operation. I will pm admin.


    me too..thank you all so much for helpin this poor little guy!


    This guy was brill last nite. Not a peep from him alnight. Im no expert but from the way he behaves hes seems very puppy like, so i think he might b younger then 2. He is a beauty, he hasnt realised yet that lilly likes sleeping then playin as she has let know few times. He loves my kids and got really excited when he seen them this morning. This dog is great.


    Sent 20 euro via paypal,hope this helps.Thanks for taking such good care of him.





    Thanks Belinda – well done all – Gareth looks so much comfortable. Love to Lilly.


    i totally agree belinda is doing a fantastic job with this poor little boy after 48 hours he looks fantastic well done to all of you’s..


    I have no doubt that Belinda’s love and affection will do as much to aid Gareth’s recovery and to restore his trust in humans as any stint in a veterinary/medical environment.

    Well done to all at DID for their prompt action in removing Gareth from the situation he unfortunately found himself in and big hugs to the little man himself. ;)


    well gareth is coming on great, this little man is in his element here and is loving it. Himself and lilly now share the one bed together and he just loves being able to have the freedom to do wat he wants to a certain extent ;) He loves going on walks and loves the football. he had a lovely chicken dinner yesterday and today he enjoyed some nice lambs liver, he nearly took my fingers off he couldnt get enough of it :D yesterday when i collected him from the pound he wouldnt even walk and today hes like a totally different dog. i let him lie on my bed last night 4 an hr and he just stretched out and just looks at u with his little eyes. theres isnt one bad bone in this dog and he didnt deserve the life that he had but hes defo liken the one he has now ;)


    Belinda congratulations on doing so much work with Gareth, he is looking amazing! Without people like you this little soul wouldn’t stand a chance.

    I have to say DID do an amazing job finding homes for these beauties, I honestly don’t think anyone could do more to help; what these animals need is TLC, security & normal home life and no organisation can do these without people like you Belinda, thank you :-)


    all rescues do a fantastic job, but our belinda takes on so many deserving animals and she gives them love a warm bed and food and all her time she is best treatment this little foster baby can have.well done belinda :D


    well poor troy wasnt well on tuesday so he went with paul the vet yesterday morning to get some fluids into him. He seems to have some sort of an upset tummy so please god he gets better soon and he is back to his normal self. this little man has loads of personality and loves going out on his walk. lilly has teached him to bark when someone knocks at the door :D and has also showed him were the comfy bed is upstairs. Hurry up and get better little man, we miss u loads xx.


    Poor little Troy has been through so much already. Get well soon little man.


    Troy came back yesterday from the vets. He had an operation on his gall bladder as it was causing him problems. He was skinny when i took him from the pound, but because he wasnt well and didnt eat for nearly a week he is very very skinny now. He is gonna need to but on some weight as he i can c his ribs and hip bones sticking out. My heart really goes out to this little fella as he has being through so much but im sure in a few weeks he will be looking and feeling much better.

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