Gareth – Lhasa Apso in horrific condition *HOMED*

Gareth – Lhasa Apso in horrific condition *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Gareth – Lhasa Apso in horrific condition *HOMED*

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    This poor fella is covered head to toe in matts and also has cherry eye, really needs loads of TLC, can any angel please offer him a foster home to recouperate in? If so, please THIS IS VERY URGENT.


    Did this poor baby get fixed up yet ? Linda


    should a neglected and abused dog like this not go to the dspca rather then sitting and waiting in the pound?


    Im going to the pound this morning to collect this poor fella and bring him up to liz to get a lovely well deserved make over. And then he will be coming to stay with me. This poor fella should have never being allowed get in this state, he doesnt deserve it :evil: . Atleast he is in safe hands now and will have a nice warm comfy bed and lots and lots of love and attention from today.


    I,m not at home at the moment to take this poor soul, but if anyone can have him looked after I will be happy to pay towards the costs.
    Cherry eye is easily fixed by a vet…one of my own dogs had it. Any idea what he’s like under all that mess?

    Mary :x :x :x


    picked this poor poor fella up today in the pound. they think he is around 2 yrs old. Until u actually see this fella in person i cant describe the really really bad condition he was in. this poor chappy is terrified, dont think he has much socialization skills with people or dogs. he must have being kept out someones back his whole life. he has cherry eye in both eyes, and his coat he is a horiffic condition. but he is up with liz now and i know he is gona look and feel 100 times better when i collect him later. whoever allowed this dog to get into such a condition should be absolutey ashamed of themselves :evil: will post some b4 and after photos up later on.


    these are b4 photos of Gareth ( who i am now going to call Troy )











    you are an angel Belinda! thank you!!


    Thank god this guy has Liz to clean him up, i am shocked at what people in this world are capable of. :cry:
    Im sure this fella will be thanking DID and his fosters for the rest of his new life. Be well lil man.


    Sweet jesus it is hard to even make out he is a little dog. Poor pet. Think how relieved he will be to be rid of that coat.


    omg such horrible ppl who done this to this poor doggy :( :twisted: …im sure he will feel much better after his pampering session…if i can help in anyway with costs let me know.. ;)


    I cant belive the amount of dogs coming into the pound that are in such a dreadful state? I wonder are they kept hidden away so no one can see the state they are in or do people not care. It is just so sad. looking at the pictures of Gareth you know that this did not happen over nite and the pain and suffering this poor fella endured must have been so terrible. :cry: :cry:


    OMG is all i can say…….WOWWWWWWWWWWWW

    This dog is absolutley fabulous. this morning he looked lifeless and now he is over the moon, tail is wagging, getting loads of kisses, smells fabolious :D. he is a totally new dog. is facinated with lilly, he hasnt stood still once for me to take a photo well a decent one at that.

    And he lovesssssssssss kids. hes in heaven.


    thanks liz he is fab, i dont think he knows wat to now that he can move so freely now :lol: but he has defo found his manly bits ;)


    What a cutie well done Liz working your magic as always! Well done Belinda your greats as always fdor looking after the babies so well! :)


    this little guy is brilliant. i honestly taught that he would be very nervous when he came here, but id say 4 the first 10 mins he was but now he seems alot more confident. gonna have to start from scratch with the housetraining cos he hasnt a clue :D god love him, but other then that this dog is a beauty. he looks like a little puppy now.





    hes loving all the attention, and hes gonna get plenty of it ;)

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