Gabby – Chocolate Labrador *HOMED*

Gabby – Chocolate Labrador *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Gabby – Chocolate Labrador *HOMED*

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    Brilliant news that the gorgeous Gabby is settling in so fast. We got Brandon in early Feb as a foster then adopted him. He had huge issues with car travel, refusing to hop in, the drooling and burying himself in the footwell. It improved though and he now must just must sit in the front passenger seat :lol: We were told by DTI that short trips to lovely places was key, sounds like you have that covered bring the lad to the toy shop for dogs :).
    My other dog, 8yrs old, had a hip replacement (he had hip dysplasia) a couple of years ago followed a year later by a knee op (not uncommon in opposite leg after knee op). When after the knee op I enquired about preventative supplements the orthopedic surgeon recommended seraquin and it’s so good I kept it up after the 6 week post-op period (you don’t need a prescription, can be got off the web). It promotes regeneration of cartilage, He’s doing super and won 1st in the Golden Oldies competintion at the DiD funday :geek:
    Well done to Gabby loosing the weight, that’s the single most thing that will help he joints stay healthy.


    Hello all,

    thanks for the support and tips. Gabby is doing great still. She now gets out of the car on her own but still puts the head down and aplies the breaks when the boot is open and it looks like she is heading towards the car. We will get there however.
    When she does it though you have to laugh at her expression and persevere!
    Weight wise she is still going good. Back at the vets tomorrow for a check up etc. She has a much better figure now and can run and play for much longer periods of time, especially if there is swimming. She adores water and any opportunity presents me with a big wet dog!
    Bad habit though (as with a lot of dogs) of rolling in anything smelly.

    here is an updated picture of here with her fav squeeky bone toy.

    Dave and the Girls.


    Ah Dave you and the girls are doing a fantastic ….Gabby looks fantastic….give her big hugs and kisses from Me Rossi and Tess.

    DID Rescue

    Wow she looks fantastic and what a shine on her coat.
    Glad she is settling in and that you are all enjoying having her.

    The rolling thing is just doggie perfume which I know is a pain but if it ever ends up being fox stuff the only way to get rid of it is tomato juice rubbed on the offending spot which neutralizes the scent and then shampoo it off.
    It really works very well as otherwise five washes later and the smell is still there.
    Lidel sell bottles of it for about 2.00 euros.
    Glad to hear she is doing well.


    Gabby continues to have the best of lives loved by her daddy and all the rest of the ladies in the house…..

    She had a great christmas and even took to wearing some of the christmas cheer that was sent to her


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