Gabby – Chocolate Labrador *HOMED*

Gabby – Chocolate Labrador *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Gabby – Chocolate Labrador *HOMED*

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    ON NO!!! Poor Gabby, I had her for a weekend a few months ago and she was great, loved her! She was such an affectionate dog and very well mannered. Who every gets her will be made up with her, I’m sure her last family were very upset to have to part with her.


    Hope all the upheavel doesn’t affect her too much. Is she in a Foster home, i’d love her but I think my partner would kill me he’s in the process of building a huge kennel to accomodate our 3 growing Labs!!!


    Hi there, just wondering if this gorgeous girl is still up for adoption?


    Gabby is up for adoption ;)

    If you haven’t sent in your adoption form, please go to forms and downloads on our main page and fill in an adoption application form. A volunteer will then contact you to arrange a home visit :)

    Best of luck ;)


    How is Gabby getting on this week?


    Hi, I so well remember reading about Gabby last spring. Poor little girl. How is she doing, did she find a new home yet? How is she with cats? I really feel for this dog.


    Gabby the great met with a fab family the other day and they all bonded on the beach….ok it wasn’t sunny but now all her days will be as they don’t want to be without her!


    Delighted!!! Did the home visit for this family!


    Hello all,
    Dave here (Gabby’s Dad!)
    The first weekend has been real easy and great fun.
    We collected Gabby on Saturday morning (thanks again Audrey for all your work), we brought her home where she had a good sniff around. Later we called out to maxi zoo where she picked out a bed and other stuff. We weighed her and she came in at 30 kg, about 5 kg too much for the type of girl she is. I currently have her on 300g of royal canin light dry food a day plus a few treat snacks for training. We are working on stay at the moment as she has sit, paw and down.
    Later saturday we hit the dog park in Marlay.
    Sunday, after a no problems night, we went up the little sugarloaf and later in the day we had my ma in law over with her terrier, Pip. Pip ran rings around her and Gabby could not wait to get to bed!
    Monday was a quieter day and she has come into work today with me (Tuesday) where she is going down a treat. Loads of attention.
    In general (so far anyway this week) I get up at about 6:30 in the morning and the two of us go for a walk for about 20 to 30 minutes. When we get home I get her to go and wake up the kids. ‘wheres the girls’ gets her tail wagging like 90.
    The girls get ready for school and we drop them off on the way to work. When we all get back later it all about the play time!

    So alls well so far. and there will be more to follow.


    Great to see Gabby has landed firmly on her paws! Congratulations. :D


    Fabulous update!! Delighted to see Gabby is settling in and that you and your family seem to all be getting along great with Gabby :D


    Thanks Dave for the brilliant update…I knew she would be falling on all four paws….but the camera never lies! Its so easy to see how happy she is. Super pictures and I look forward to many more of Gabby’s Great Adventure!


    hello all
    just a quick update on how things are with the Gabby girl.
    I ran out of the ear cream for her inflamed ears last. But they have improved hugely.
    There are a number of walks every day and we have a confirmed loss of 1.1 KG. This is from a visit to her new vet at Lambs cross.
    He is happy with this weight loss as she should only be losing up to 5 ish percent of her total weight a week. He also noted that her front right leg has also not got the same full motion/movement as the other one so the vet is slightly worried of future arthritis.
    On happier thoughts though we checked out Cabinteely dog park and had a great time there. Its a slightly better shape than the one in Marley park but more importantly, its right beside the kids playground so two birds were done with one stone ;)

    She does not enjoy being in the car. She doesnt give out but its more like she is car sick? if a dog can be this. She lies down and stays pretty still, eyes close and by the time we get somewhere there is plenty of drool about!

    She now has ‘roll over’ to go with sit, paw and down. Stay is still touch and go.

    More later with pictures too next time.

    Dave and the girls (inc Gabby)


    Well done on the weight loss!! That’s great news!

    Hopefully with the weight loss the leg will improve.

    Thanks for the update! Can’t wait to see the pictures of the slimmer Gabby :D


    Go Gabby or maybe with the weight loss we should shorten your name to just Gab. Hope the leg doesn’t hold back the fitness programme …..big cuddles from me and licks and love from Rossi and Tess xoxox

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