Gabby – 9mt old Yorkie X*HOMED*

Gabby – 9mt old Yorkie X*HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Gabby – 9mt old Yorkie X*HOMED*

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    We have Poppy almost two years now and she is still quite a shy little dog who prefers people she knows to strangers. She is tiny but a great walker and simply loves running the dunes in Dollymount every day. Her party piece is her "dancing." If she wants something she pops up on her back legs and waves her paws at you. She has excellent balance and can keep up her dancing for far longer than I can resist giving her whatever it is she wants! She is particularly partial to my homemade brown bread and as soon as I start cutting it she appears and dances for a little piece. Her other "trick" is to hide her head in her paws if you ask her "are you shy?" – she started doing this one day when a stranger came into the house and she has perfected it since! Poppy is very ladylike and absolutely hates getting her paws wet. When we walk on the beach she will do amazing long jumps to avoid any patches of water. She’s not to keen on peeing in the rain either so we have a guilty secret…..we go out with an umbrella and put it over her to pee in the rain. There’s one born every minute

    Our delightful little Cairn X Lilly is just coming up to her first anniversary with us and we have had the best year with her! She is the most lovable little creature, full of the joys of life and never a day passes that she doesn’t make us laugh. She is beginning to get a bit of sense and seems to have given up chewing. This is good news as it was costing us a fortune in undies as they were her favorite thing to swipe if you left them out of your hand for two minutes! Her main focus now are her squeaky toys which she loves and her new activity – squirrel chasing in the park. It has suddenly dawned on her that it is possible to chase these small furry creatures. Lilly’s other obsession is water. She simply loves to paddle and last summer we got her a kids paddle pool and she was never out of it ! We discovered her passion for water one day when I couldn’t see her in the garden and found her happy as larry in the wheelbarrow which had filled with rain.

    Lilly is like a little teddy bear and gives constant licks and great cuddles. She has settled very well with our other DID dog, Poppy, who is definitely the boss. They have a "funny" half hour each day usually coming up to tea time when they turn the downstairs into a racing circuit and chase each other in-between the chair legs and up and down the sitting room. It’s taken a while, but they are beginning to curl up together. Lilly loves to be right beside or better still on top of you whereas Poppy likes her personal space and prefers not to share her bed!

    We have Poppy almost two years now and she is still quite a shy little dog who prefers people she knows to strangers. She is tiny but a great walker and simply loves running the dunes in Dollymount every day. Her party piece is her "dancing." If she wants something she pops up on her back legs and waves her paws at you. She has excellent balance and can keep up her dancing for far longer than I can resist giving her whatever it is she wants! She is particularly partial to my homemade brown bread and as soon as I start cutting it she appears and dances for a little piece. Her other "trick" is to hide her head in her paws if you ask her "are you shy?" – she started doing this one day when a stranger came into the house and she has perfected it since! Poppy is very ladylike and absolutely hates getting her paws wet. When we walk on the beach she will do amazing long jumps to avoid any patches of water. She’s not to keen on peeing in the rain either so we have a guilty secret…..we go out with an umbrella and put it over her to pee in the rain. There’s one born every minute……
    Lil photo.JPG
    Pop photo.JPG

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