Freya – 10 week old lab x pup **HOMED**

Freya – 10 week old lab x pup **HOMED**

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Freya – 10 week old lab x pup **HOMED**

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    Meet Freya! :D Freya is our latest house guest and I have to say the house guests get more beautiful by the day. She is a STUNNER!!! She is all go, full of play, really affectionate, very gentle, loves the dogs and everyone she meets, slept all night without a peep – a real good ‘un ( I know I always say that but I always mean it too!!!) :D :D She is our second lab puppy in a short while and they definitely have traits specific to the breed. She eats like a horse, just like Diva and what is it about labs and stuffing!!!!???? Freya is wormed and she will be microchipped and have at least her first vaccination before being rehomed. She must be neutered at 6 months old. She will be a medium sized dog when fully grown.
    Here she is – straight off the Andrex ad and into my garden :lol: :lol:


    Just HAD to post the two pics below, It’s almost a "give me the password and I’ll let you out!" from Mollie followed by a whispered exchange. :lol: :lol: :lol: Freya is a complete joy to have around. She just bounds around the place, totally happy with whatever is going on, loves her toys and plays wrestling (very gently I might add ) with the others, especially Thor and Mollie who take their cue from her and are quite gentle in return! :D :D She has the softest fur imaginable. Love her to bits!!! :D


    And the password is. . . . .


    Freya continues to be a joy to have around. :D She is really sweet-natured and totally undemanding. If there is no-one awake for a play, she makes up a game all by herself! :lol: She throws a toy around and retrieves it, she grabs a bit of fluff or a piece of paper and tears around with it making little noises as if she is talking to herself – SO cute!!! She ADORES children and if she hears or sees any kids, she strains to get over to them and play. Mind you, she loves adults too but children are a firm favourite!!! She is enjoying a great game of tag with Miss Narky Knickers (Tigra) here as I type. An all round wonderful girl. She will make an amazing pet for some lucky family! :D :D
    Two of her favourite occupations can be seen in the pics below . . . :D


    Life can be SO exhausting . . .


    Our gorgeous girlie was in HEAVEN over the weekend when we had loads of visitors, many of them children. She absolutely ADORES children and loved playing with them in the garden and on the trampoline. :lol: :lol: She is quite gentle with them too which is great and the dangly strings on my 4 year old niece’s dress were a great source of fun for her!! :lol: :lol: She loves anything dangly and will chase and grab it relentlessly. She was DEFINITELY a laundry worker in a previous life too because she is "ultra helpful" when I am trying to load the washing machine – especially the "emptying the wash basket" bit!!! I reckon she specialised in socks. :lol: :lol: She is getting bigger by the day but she remains as sweet natured as ever – a real little lady! :D Here she is enjoying the sun with her mad foster bro, Thor.


    And another . . . .


    Freya had the dreaded date with the lovely Kim last night :lol: :lol: and she was microchipped and got her first vax. She was as good as gold – barely a whimper (the girlies really are much braver!!!!) She was bouncing around within seconds driving Kathy’s poor cats around the bend! :lol: :lol: The only thing that’s bothering her today is her little "I am microchipped" tag on her collar – something else to chase and grab if she gets the chance. Such a pet! :D :D


    Freya continues to go from strength to strength. :D :D I have to say she is one of the easiest fosters we have ever had – she occupies herself, loves her cuddles, adores the other dogs, eats like a horse, sleeps like a log, is brilliant in the car, loves kids and cracked the toilet training all by herself (with a little bit of "showing the ropes" by her canine family, to be honest!) :D :D She has recently learned to climb on to the trampoline and loves to play up there but she can’t get down!!! So she sits right at the edge and cries for someone to go and lift her down. :lol: :lol: It is just so cute. :D


    Just back from a little walk with our beautiful little lady. She is a joy to walk and bounds along on the extending lead eager to explore everything and anything. :D :D :D The only downside is that a 30 minute walk takes almost an hour to complete because Freya chooses to greet EVERYBODY and everybody, in turn, stops to chat to her. :lol: :lol: :lol: She absolutely adores people and is so sweet tempered and gentle with everyone, adults and kids alike!!!
    One bonus today was the wind! :lol: :lol: Freya chased every leaf, every scrap of paper, every flower that blew in the breeze – she had a ball!!!! :D :D
    Unfortunately the intended "tiring her out" hasn’t happened yet – she is frantically playing with Casper and a well-chewed teddy as I type this. :lol:


    And one more. . . .


    Freya had her best adventure yet today when she paid a visit to our local school (my old place of employment so could pull a few strings! :lol: :lol: :lol: ) She went into one classroom where she was besieged by kids and she was unbelievable! She lay on her back for belly rubs from about 25 kids at a time, tail wagging happily and licking any piece of human flesh that passed near her mouth! :lol: :lol: She then met a few more bods in the corridor and passed through the p.e. hall on the way out where she tried to join in the game of ball that was going on. :lol: The loud noise, all the petting, the being besieged by hordes of little bodies – she took it all in her stride. :D :D A truly wonderful little girl.


    What an adventure :lol:
    And what a great school for inviting this beauty with you!


    Sitting in the sun! :D :D Note the progression from the bare concrete, through the dog bed and now THE CHAIR!!! Doesn’t take them long to figure it out . . . . :lol: :lol:


    I’m so happy Freya is doing so well. I knew she was a good one from the minute i met her. She has a lovely nature, not one bit demanding, as bright as a button and just a joy to have around.

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