Frankie – 1yr old Terrier x*HOMED*

Frankie – 1yr old Terrier x*HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Frankie – 1yr old Terrier x*HOMED*

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    This little man is gone into foster with Julie & Dave, who will update
    soon ;)


    Well what can I say about the lovely Frankie except God help him thats not his name :lol: We still haven’t figured out what this boy will answer to and until then he stays firmly on a lead! He is just adorable, he’s actually like a teddy bear you would buy of a dog, all big fluffy paws, but lightweight, gentle and cuddly!

    Hes having the snip today but to be fair he is not at all a dominant dog, guess he realised who is top dog in this house and it isn’t me or Dave! :D
    He marked once or twice the first day which my dad loved as he was painting the house at the time :oops: but not since then! I’ve had to keep shooing people away who want to keep him coz what this boy needs is plenty of fun and would be ideal with kids! He is just a puppy himself!
    The other night we were watching tv and Timothy Spall and that Neville Longbottom dude from Harry Potter came on and he jumped on the coffee table and started barking madly at them… must loooove Harry Potter!

    Was out three times yesterday for walks and now he won’t get out of bed! Pictures to follow when I find camera lead! Hes a gorgeous boy we will be sorry to see this happy little man go coz hes going to be snapped up!


    How is Frankie getting on today! He looks adorable and cuddly… :P


    Poor Frankie has had a rough few days, his operation wasn’t as straightforward as hoped so his recovery has been a bit slower! Though to be fair he is being a trooper, eating great trying to get involved with play but still sore :(

    He’s a stubborn little fella though he won’t let it stop him, his aunty kate took him for a little stroll and when he realised they were turning back he twice sat down with is bum on ground not going anywhere :lol:

    Heres a few pre snip photos chilling in the sun!


    Is Frankie answering to his name yet? How did he get over his visit to the vet last week…we are thinking of him! What a great job the fosterers do, I never knew of DID till I found it while searching for our forever dog and the minute I clicked on the site I have been watching for updates daily on all the dogs. What a brilliant idea and so simple, such great work done for these poor babies. :D :D Keep up the good work guys and hopefully our family will join the DID family soon.. :P


    Photos are lovely and he looks gorgeous :D
    hopefully he’s back on form soon.
    He obviously loves his cuddles and tummy rubs too… :D


    No unfortunately not but we can’t seem to figure his name out! He loves his tummy rubs but head rubs are the preferable option with his poor belly out of action! Going to try his first big walk this evening think he needs some fresh air the new paint smell here sending us all a bit doolally! :lol:


    Absolutely love the photo of the ‘2 Furry Babies’ :!: :!: :!: So cute! Can see this lovely fella has landed on his feet :D Hope he’s feeling better now.


    We were calling him Bobby for the couple of days we had him (after Greyfriars Bobby, a story we heard in Edinburgh years ago which really inspired us :lol: ) and he seemed to respond to it – a little anyway!!! :D :D Glad he is over his op and getting loads of TLC. :D :D


    When we first met Frankie we all fell in love with him and today he became a part of our family and we are all thrilled, he is such a character and its already like hes been here forever. We think he might be part mountain goat as you will see from one of the pics :D but he has such an expressive face and we look forward to finding out more and more. Our neighbours dog who we were dogsitting was unimpressed that he took no notice of her and kept at him till he noticed her…so funny! :P Thank you so much Julie, Claire and everyone at DID for bringing us together… :D
    photo george 5.JPG
    photo george 3.JPG
    photo george.JPG


    Thanks for the update! Great photos Frankie looks like he has made himself right at home! :D


    Yay!!! I see that the stalking finally paid off Theresa ;) He looks very at home with your delighted daughter. :) :)



    Thanks Lorraine! Everyone is in love with ‘George’ (new name for Frankie) which he is already starting to answer to, we couldn’t use Frankie as that’s my brothers name :D . He is a joy and is making us smile so much, he still has a lot of people to meet but we’ll Take our time with that. Thank you all so much for everything and we will update regularly on George’s new life and of course I will continue watching all these beautiful animals hoping everyone of them find their forever home soon! If there’s anything we can do to help here in County Wicklow then please ask….talk to everyone soon :P


    Ah what a way to make a foster mammy happy! He looks like he really has landed on his feet with such a lovely forever family! Be happy little man lots of love from all the gang here xxxx


    Hi everyone! Just a quick update on George (Frankie) who is answering to his name now and has made himself right at home. I will post more pics soon but George has grabbed a piece of everyone’s heart here and loves nothing more than cuddling up in the evening to one of us on the sofa, goes to his bed but always gives his best sorrowful big brown eyes in case there is any chance of staying later, loves his walks and my 15 year old now gets up at ‘7am’ in the morning to walk him before school which is another little miracle as George has put new life into our home. I can’t remember what it was like before we had him and he is a joy for all…my little girl (6years) came out in hives last week and her uncle told her jokingly that maybe she was allergic to George and with a serious face he told him ‘well the doctor can give me tablets’…this is the best proof I can give on how everyone feels here and hopefully I can soon help DID in other ways as you guys are brilliant and from everyone here ‘Thank You’
    Theresa :D :D :D

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