Fraizer – collie x

Fraizer – collie x

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Fraizer – collie x

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  • #112773

    Thanks Alex! That’s a super picture, looks like a really clever collie. I have a collie who is a people-dog BUT even at 10 years is as giddy and strong willed (aka obstinate :roll: ). He also fears loud noises. The other lad the spaniel cross (DID dog) is very good at the vets, doesn’t mind being examined, but is a bit inclined to worry though. Very little will have him giving out the nose-licking and whale-eye signals. Its a pity because they are great pals to my elderly parents.

    I was thinking though that some people on here may well have dogs with a great way about them and it would be an organisation they could consider putting them in for. Fair play to you seeing the opportunity, I think it’s good for your dog too since he likes people, working and wants to please. Great video of him in the link to good old photobucket (sending him off and he returning for a treat). Elaine

    DID Rescue

    Wow I am impressed. :)
    Well done to both of you.
    I remember this handsome boy well, I am sure he is delighted to have a job and keep himself out of trouble.
    It’s a lovely photo showing off a proud boy in his uniform.
    Thank you so much for the update I am delighted to hear how he is doing.

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