Foxy – 7mt old Pomeranian X **HOMED**

Foxy – 7mt old Pomeranian X **HOMED**

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Foxy – 7mt old Pomeranian X **HOMED**

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    Thank you :)


    Well Foxy is now reserved to his fantastic family.
    He will be heading off shortly (they would come take him right now they are jsut so smitten with this little man :lol: :lol: )
    So watch this pace for his update.


    Yippee that’s great news. Best wishes to all.


    Fantastic news for Foxy. He is with me since Monday as his foster mum is on holidays. I did the Home Visit for him and I have to say he is going to a lovely home where he will be adored. Foxy is a brilliant little man who gets on great with everyone – dogs, cats, adults and children. Even though he has only been here for a few days we will miss him when he goes to his forever home.


    Well the big day finally arrived for this fantastic little man. I left him to his new family this morning and believe me it was worth the wait he had. His new mum had told me that she was new to the DID website but as soon as soon as she saw the photos of Foxy she knew that he was the dog for her. (I know that feeling only too well). They also adopted Tilly and we collected her on the way over this morning. Both dogs get along great and seemed to settle in and make themselves at home right away. They will not be lost for company as they have 6 (yes 6) feline siblings. I wish Brenda and her family a long and happy life together with these two fantastic dogs. Looking forward to the updates and photos.


    I am the proud owner of Mr Foxy & I would have to say he is an adorable little man. Mr Foxy,is so gentle & loveable . He is very good friends with Miss Tilly & the two of them go for a walk together every afternoon since we got them on Saturday. Miss Tilly likes her second walk at night around 10:00. They both love there bones to chew on & we got a small one for Mr Foxy & a medium one for Miss Tilly but he prefers her one & vice versa. It was so funny seeing him with it in his mouth being so small & them looking at Miss Tilly with the small one. :lol: I think it will always be what the other has,the other wants. They never take their eyes off me at all. They follow me everywhere in the house. Miss Tilly tries to be boss but Mr Foxy won’t have a bar of it. She is very gentle & loyal. They both love their cuddles & we all cuddle together on the sofa every night. I will follow with photos soon…..when I get the hang of it. ;)

    The Fox & The Hound


    Mr Foxy yawning. The Fox and The Hound.


    Just a little update on Mister Foxy :) He is the best little man.I have to say it a pleasure to walk Foxy. He listens to everything you say to him when he is being walked. Foxy,got off his lead a couple of weeks back,as I was walking him & I needn’t tell you my heart went straight to my mouth,he ran for a bit,but panic was over in no time. I told him to stop & sit,which he did… I was able to put his harness back on. It was a harness they step their front legs into & needless to say I didn’t use it again. ;) :) Tilly & Foxy are a great match together they just love one another. X

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