Foster doggy socialisation?

Foster doggy socialisation?

New Home Forums DID Dogs Fundraising & Volunteers Events Foster doggy socialisation?

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    What do people think about the foster doggies meeting up for a little social interaction?

    I know Toto would certainly benefit from it, as big dogs are a little scary to him right now. He’d especially appreciate meeting a big softy dog.

    Toto is great with the little dogs his size. Any bigger ones he greets a little apprehensively and then will bark or growl when he has walked off a little or when I shut the garden gate. Certainly just bravado defense mechanism me thinks.

    Any ideas?


    Hi i think that would be a great idea , some dogs love company and others need a little persuasion ! I’m interested ,, i have small pups but they are used to the bigger ones coming to visit ,


    sandra cullen are you callin my baby big :lol: :lol:
    i do think its a great idea!


    Count me and my foster fur kid in and if you want I can bring my huge boy Rossi who is a big baby too!


    Count me in too, Mel would love the company now Odie is gone! PM me details if its going ahead!

    DID Rescue

    I have an amazing pudgie spaniel x picnic table called Jamie and he is just bomb proof with any dog or pup.
    Lots of DID folk have met him and will agree.
    I would have no problem in letting him meet Jamie on a one to one meet as its less stressfull all round.
    Also I know this little man as I collected him from Meath Pound and brought him to his foster home the same night.
    He was so good with Kealan in the back seat as we travelled Kealan spent his time brushing him and he loved it.
    If you feel that might suit I am living near Clonee and my no is 086 2573180.

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