Flip terrier x puppy 4 to 5 mts old – HOMED

Flip terrier x puppy 4 to 5 mts old – HOMED

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    Thanks :D well wherever he goes im sure there will be plenty of snuggles and kisses from now on!


    this baby should be gettin his first jab next week so if you love the look of this boy like i do :D and would like to offer him a forever home please contact the admin staff.
    love and cuddles from roscoe aka flip


    What a dote cute little face that has it all summed (well he is managing to sleep on top of the resident top dog)! Lovely pics .


    hi everyone just to update on the lovely roscoe,
    we had a lodger logan for a day and a half and roscoe and himself were very funny together,he had a ball with him. so when logan went poor lil roscoe got a bit down :(
    but just a few hours in my mother in laws house being pampered and played with by 4 kids and (not to mention some easter ham!!) he was back to his happy go lucky self :D :D we were very lucky to get out of her house with him as everyone fell in love with him,my brother in law would have gladly taken him back to kilkenny with him!!!
    he is gettin very good at traveling in the car, his toilet training is great and there is never a peep out of him throughout the night.
    kids are a great source of fun for him but he is very gentle with them.
    he is a bundle of fun and full of affection. you dont need t.v when he is in the house :lol:


    thanks!! its all fun and games in this house. then its naps all around :lol:
    roscoe/flip is a well rounded super puppy with 2 very good
    teachers in cassie and bailey 8-)


    Great work Tara,

    Looks great and hope to pay a visit to see Flip!! :D
    He looks really fun and hopefully we can offer him
    a forever home :D


    the lovely casso40 family came to see this little man today
    i am delighted to say they will be his forever family :D :D
    i know he will be spoilt rotten by them all.


    thats brilliant tara and delighted for casso40 as well great news :D


    Hi All,

    yeah thanks a million to Tara, for allowing us to meet Roscoe/Flip a Lovely little fellow and very playful!! Can’t wait to get him home to spoil him rotten, but not too much :D

    He’s got a great personality and full of life!! Will keep you all updated on his progress and hopefully he’ll enjoy his forever home!! :D
    can’t understand how people can disown little beauties like him but thank god we are lucky enough to offer him a forever home.

    Can’t wait until Saturday to collect our new family member :D

    Thanks again!!!

    Casso40 & Clan!!


    Well not long now! Collecting our new family member tomorrow. Were all very excited! Called over too Zoo pet store today and stocked up on food, new bed, treats, lead, collar, chewy bone, new pet toy, etc.

    My little one Sinead is over the moon, and Has everything setup in the room for Flip bed out with toys inside it! And food all put away in Flips own personal press For all his stuff!

    Thanks to Dogsindistress for giving us the opportuinty to rescue this beautiful little fellow and we will love him forever!


    Well! He’s in his new forever home! Just back from his first walk and loved it! Did his wiz and poo’s and now back in his new bed having a rest.

    Has been a little big sad, but we’ve been giving him hugs and kisses!!
    Hopefully he’ll be ok in a couple of days and adjusted to his new family!

    Thanks to Tara & Dave for their help and tips!


    Hi All,

    update on Flip. Day five now in his new home and although took couple of days to adjust, loves it here now!! He’s the most popular dog in Palmerstown and has loads of visitors each day :D

    Has took a few days to eat properly but eating plenty now. Goes for a walk three times a day and loves it! Gets very excited when the lead comes out and jumps all over you very excited. Full of life a d happy little chappy!

    Very well trained ( thanks Tara) sleeps all night long and never a peep out of him until you get up and open the back door then he’s out and does his business! Loves his treats and is brilliant at comands like sit, lie down, stay, just brilliant!!

    Will try post up some pictures when I figure out how to download them. Must say that he is really settled in now and loves all the attention!


    was very excited today,i met flip and his family in maxi zoo in tallaght :D :D
    he was gettin kitted out with new digs and spoilt in general :lol:
    i could not believe how big he had got,still the same fab face and he looks so happy.
    i had mya with me and he was lovin her ;)
    i got a picture but he was to wriggly and excited to stay still!
    but his lovely family have promised more..


    Hi Tara, Thanks for posting that photo. Sorry haven’t posted about flip in a good while as not enough time in the day with walks, school runs, and general being busy.

    Well after 3 Months in his forever home, flip has grown abit and gained good weight. he’s now 10.6. and when we got him he was only 5.4. Loves his new home and is just brilliant with us and other kids, will lick you to death!! :D Loves his cuddles and gets more than me in this house :oops: considering 2 women love him to bits!!

    Was great meeting tara and Mya in Maxi zoo, and as i never could get my head around posting pictures of Flip, Tara kindly did it for me. I’ll try tomorrow to post some up as i’d love you all to see how big he’s got! He’s a pleasure to have in the house and great fun and i must say the most fun loving dog i’ve known!!

    On Wednesday gone he has his big operation, and is recovering very well from it, he was sore afterwards as you can imagine, but has come through it very well. Has a check up in the morning to see if his wound is healing correctly but they way he’s jumping around and playing, i think it’s safe to say, he’s back to himself. He has his cone on his head to stop him from getting at it and infecting by licking and must say it’s the funniest thing when he’s trying to scratch his head, but we all give him a good scratch evry so often so he’s delighted then.

    Anyway i will keep you’s up to date on future and hope to get those pictures up soon.

    I’d also like to thank all at dogsindistress for allowing this shining light into our lives, and the joy he brings is just fantastic!!! :)


    Wahoo! didn’t think i got it right but i did!! :D

    Here’s our Flip and as you can see our small dog has got very big! :o
    But wouldn’t be without him for a minute. As you can see by photos he’s anxiously awaiting to go on his walk. Loves them and we collect Sinead every day at 2.30 and at about 2.15 without fail he is sitting in the same spot. Very clever in deed!! ;)
    He also loves the snow and runs around in it like a mad thing! every day. He’s still loves his cuddles and especially loves the family hugs each day, he wants to join in all the time, and gets very jealous if not included :lol: Eats very well, and sleeps for Ireland! in great form and healthy. Thanks again to all at Dogs In Distress for our new baby!! Happy Christmas to everyone there and Happy New Year!! The Casso’s!!!
    Picture 025.jpg
    Picture 024.jpg

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