Flip terrier x puppy 4 to 5 mts old – HOMED

Flip terrier x puppy 4 to 5 mts old – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Flip terrier x puppy 4 to 5 mts old – HOMED

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    This poor little man has just landed in the pound :( Please if you can offer foster contact Kathy on 086 3696413 ;)


    Did this little guy get fixed up with a foster home ?Linda


    I met Baxter in the Pound this afternoon – he is so friendly and only tiny – much smaller than his photo. If you can offer Baxter a foster home please PM Kay Doyle or post here.


    This little chap is going into foster tomorrow. :D


    well this is my first foster :D the deal was was hubby names him so he thinks roscoe suits him. a deals a deal so……………
    say hello to roscoe the cutie :lol:
    i cant seem to get a picture to show just how small he is but he really is only a wee baby. he is really friendly with other dogs and people.
    he is getting on great with my 2 doggies,he makes them look huge!!
    he is perched on my husbands lap and is lovin the attention.
    what a perfect lil terrier,small boy but big voice and personality. he is robbing socks and tea towels already :lol:

    he loves to play

    he loves a lil cuddle

    my bailey looks huge

    switching channels

    and the 3 muskateers xxx


    looks like he fits right in . I have a few or those reshaped remotes. :roll:


    just weighed this lil dynamo and he is a whole 5kg!!
    im suprised, we all took bets and nobody guessed over 4 :lol: :lol:
    his first night was a dream,he settled down with my 2 and there wasnt a peep all night.he did his business on the paper and woke up ready for a feed at 8am. perfect……
    they are like a lil family cassie thinks she is his mammy and bailey is the daddy who hides in the kitchen when the toddler gets rowdy :roll:
    this puppy loves his grub and he already has it sussed where the food is so he stalkes it!!
    funny funny lil baby


    this boy loves a cuddle! the perfect lap is out there somewhere
    nite nite from roscoe xxx


    brought this lil man out for a visit to my sister today.
    he was so good. great at meeting new people and gentle and loving to everyone.
    he met my sisters cat and it was hysterical,this cat has hit every other dog who has met her but she didnt touch roscoe!!! maybe its because he is smaller than her or maybe he worked his magic on her :lol:
    roscoe was very cute and thought she was another playmate and bounced around and went into the play stance a lot.
    so there is another tick in the box for a perfect puppy. he is good with cats :D :D


    Flip is gorgeous! I swear he is a long lost brother or cousin of our little Pippin!


    he sure is a cutie louisa! have more photos to put up just to prove :lol: :lol:
    to anyone who is interested in givin this boy his forever home you would be on to a winner. he is still such a baby,and he makes everyone smile :D his toilet training is comin on,we have the odd puddle :oops:
    he got a snazzy new collar (so what if its a cat one,he is secure in his doggyhood!!)

    swit swoo

    he is a great lap dog :D

    loves to play lpay play

    and then he snuggles down for a sleep,he has a great lil routine


    just an update on this great boy :D
    we had a fantastic weekend,he was a silly funny puppy playing with toys and flinging them over his head :lol:
    roscoe is 98% house trained,he had no mishaps in the house all weekend. (he lost the 2% for a couple of blow outs this morning :oops: )
    i praise him for doin his "whizzies" out the back (i bet my neighbours think im nuts!!) so when he goes out by himself he will come runnin in to me all excited, as if to say guess what i did!!!!!!!
    he is just soooooooooo cute.


    yet another tick in the perfect puppy box for roscoe.
    he met my 2 year old niece today and was just so good with her. no jumping,nibbling or hyperness (yep,im makin up my own words! )
    she loved him and renamed him "tiny"!!!!!
    even my sister loved him and couldnt believe how small but good he is,what a charmer he is. i was very,very proud of him.
    i know there is a perfect forever home out there just waiting on roscoe to pick them :D


    Put in an application to adopt Flip, he seems like such a sweet little puppy who needs some much needed love! Hope to hear some good news soon. We would love for him to be a member of our family! :)


    thats great,i really hope its good news :D :D
    you are right he is a fantastic lil dog who deserves lots of love cos he really does give it back. ill keep my fingers crossed for you,eventhough ill miss his snuggles and kisses when he goes :lol:

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