Flikka – GSD/husky cross

Flikka – GSD/husky cross

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs In Loving Memory Flikka – GSD/husky cross

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    I’m really sorry to have to post that Flikka, who came from DID back in January had to be pts today.

    Her distraught owner rang me to let me know, part of my rehoming contract is that a dog can’t be pts without notifying me first, or with a vets certificate. She had a fit at the weekend, and has fitted again a few times since, has been in the vets on a drip, but unfortunately there was nothing more they can do for her.

    The weird thing is, she has been vomiting with the fits, and totally emptied her stomach. Some of the stomach contents include bones the vets can’t identify and reptile skin! They think its snake, but are sending it off for analysis.

    Flikka went into foster with Catherine and Tom for a while before Tom brought her all the way down to me. She had a lovely home with her owner, being spoilt rotten and known throughout the village because of her character. She is going to be very sorely missed.


    Ah bramble thats terrible news.. Im so sad to read this.. :( :cry: Why on earth is life so mean to us at times..
    Keeping her owner in my thoughts at this time.

    RIP my little angle and run free at the bridge with all my other special angels that just couldnt stay with us…. :evil: :cry: :cry:

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