Flavia – Staffordshire Bull Terrier *HOMED*

Flavia – Staffordshire Bull Terrier *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Flavia – Staffordshire Bull Terrier *HOMED*

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    Name: Flavia

    Reference Number: 286

    Sex: Female

    Located: Ashton Pound

    Found: Santry

    Date Out: 18th March 2010

    Age: 2 years approx.


    I am sad to see that Flavia is no longer out in the front kennels, she is a staffie so I appreciate the pound has rules. I met her on Sunday morning, she was a new arrival and she looked really scared in her cage. She is chipped, I wonder if the chip is registered. She is a gentle dog, but very nervous. Her eyes were a little bloodshot and I am sure that was due to the stress she was experiencing in this alien enviroment that she had found herself in. She is good on the lead and although I was cautious about introducing her to other dogs she was very friendly and gave a gentle sniff nose to nose. She shook for our initial walk out together and was a little aprehensive of me but she eventually untucked her tail and was happy out and about. She was very scared going back in so I took her on another round and she relaxed again. She met some young girls was very friendly towards them, looked as if she was used to children. She looks in very good condition so please hope that her owners are found and want her back. If not I appeal to someone to offer her a rescue or a forever home but it will be difficult from the pound. It was hard to put her back in her cage but she did go in eventually. She just trembled from then on, every time I went over to her, her hind legs shook. She is a good dog without a doubt.


    She looks such a lovely girl and so sad. I hope someone can take her and give her a chance. :( :(


    I met this lovely girl last Sunday. She was very unsure of the pound and was shaking in her cage. She is sooooo pretty and seems to have been well cared for. Makes me wonder where on earth are her owners????????


    What a beauty our Flavis is. This girl has the most wonderful temperament, gentle and kind. Loves dogs and people – absolutely terrific on the lead and a real pleasure to walk.


    It was great to see Flavia out and about this morning. She is a beautiful looking dog with her gorgeous doe eyes. She looked very relaxed and her tail was wagging non stop. She seems grand with other dogs and was not perturbed by getting a sniff from the big cuddley mastiff. She was posing for photos and rolled over for a belly rub too.


    Oh she is a stunner :shock: looks a lovely petite girl. Gwen can the Staffies be fostered and/or adopted from the pound?! Just to clear it up for me and others im sure. ;)


    The lovely Flavia was out walking last Sunday. She is so pretty and very gentle with people and other dogs. Hope she gets out soon. Too cold in the pound at the moment for her and all the other lovely doggies


    Did flavia ever find a home?


    hi all,im fostering flavia at the moment,she was such a scared little thing when i got her 4 wks ago is still a bit nervous but has come on so much in a month,she is so sweet and gentle ,great out walking and in the house,she just wants to be with you all the time,great with kids and other dogs outside,but unfortunatly i cant keep her because her and my other dog dont get on just due to the fact that she is afraid of my dog,i will be heartbroken to see her go,she really needs a good home with someone who will give her a lot of tlc


    I remember Flavia from Ashton and what a beautiful dog she is. I hope she finds her forever home soon, she so deserves too. Thanks for offering her a loving foster home.


    We collected Flavis on Monday 17th May. To say she was thin is a huge understatement. I have posted a pic of when she arrived with us, which although may be sad to look at is a good measure of how well she is now doing. We have has Flavis for two weeks now and find her adorable. She is doing well with her eating and her upset stomach has finally settled down. In fact she seems to grow a little more each day!! When she arrived she was only just strong enough to stand but has now started to enjoy little strolls along the beach and estuary. True to gorgeous Staffie nature, she is placid, kind and very affectionate. She craves human companionship which is something she is lucky enough to receive 24/7 at our home. She is enjoying lots of love and cuddles.

    The day we collected Flavia


    Here are the pics (I hope!!!)

    Flavia when she arrived

    Flavia with my son James at the estuary on Sunday


    What an improvement – thank you and well done.


    Flavia is doing very well. She has put lots of weight on and seems much happier in herself.

    Flavia is a very timid dog but is beginning to gain some confidence. She is very loyal and adores human company.

    Flavia has had such a miserable start to life she deserves to have a family who will love and cherish her.

    Flavia enjoying the view

    Flavia enjoying the sunshine

    Flavia NOT enjoying the sea :lol:

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